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Piers Morgan’s Explosive Response to Phone Hacking Allegations

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Piers Morgan’s Explosive Response to Phone Hacking Allegations

Piers Morgan has come out swinging in response to the recent High Court ruling implicating as a victim of phone hacking by Mirror Group newspapers.

The High Court judge not only confirmed that journalists were involved in phone hacking during Morgan's time as editor of the Daily Mirror but also accepted evidence suggesting Morgan's knowledge of these activities.

Despite his previous denials, Morgan addressed the press outside his London home, emphasizing his lack of involvement in the specific incident mentioned in the judgment.

In his statement, Morgan clarified that while the court found one potentially problematic article published under his editorship, he maintained no awareness of any unlawful information gathering related to it.

He vehemently denied any personal involvement in phone hacking or instructing others to do so, highlighting the absence of concrete evidence supporting such claims.

Furthermore, Morgan expressed willingness to cooperate with legal proceedings, had he been called upon to do so.

Dismissing the allegations brought against him as unfounded, Morgan criticized the court's reliance on testimonies from individuals he deemed untrustworthy.

Specifically, he called out Omid Scobie, whom he accused of fabricating stories about him both in court and in a recent book.

Scobie, who claimed to have worked as an intern under Morgan during the alleged phone hacking, now collaborates with Harry and Meghan, leading to suspicions of their involvement in the scandal.

Drawing attention to what he perceived as hypocrisy on 's part, Morgan highlighted the prince's own history of public criticism towards his family for financial gain.

He questioned Harry's credibility in condemning media intrusion while engaging in similar behavior himself, particularly through lucrative deals that exploit private family matters.

Additionally, Morgan cast doubt on the viability of Scobie's book, suggesting its failure to garner support could result in legal repercussions for the author.

As the controversy surrounding phone hacking and media ethics continues to unfold, Morgan's fiery defense and scathing remarks have added fuel to an already heated debate.

With conflicting accounts and shifting allegiances at play, the public remains divided on where the truth lies in this complex web of accusations and counterclaims.

As the saga between Morgan, Scobie, and Prince Harry unfolds, the implications for media transparency and accountability loom large, raising questions about the role of journalism in an era of heightened scrutiny and skepticism.

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