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Piers Morgan Lambasts Prince Harry in Twitter Rant

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Piers Morgan Lambasts Prince Harry in Twitter Rant

Renowned talk show host Piers Morgan, 57, made a fiery return to Twitter following a recent hacking incident, taking the opportunity to launch a scathing attack on in response to his ITV interview.

In a tweet to his 8.3 million followers, Morgan branded the Duke of Sussex as an embittered individual, going so far as to label him a foolish family traitor.

The former Good Morning Britain presenter also shared images of British birds, including a bearded willow and a grate, as he made his sentiments known.

Morgan's pointed criticism comes in the wake of 's live interview to promote his memoir, “Spare,” which has garnered significant attention.

Interviewer Tom Bradley hailed the royal's forthcoming book as astounding.

During the interview, Prince Harry addressed the media's treatment of his wife, , particularly condemning Jeremy Clarkson's disparaging remarks in a recent article.

Clarkson's piece in The Sun sparked over 17,000 complaints to media watchdog IPSO, surpassing the total number of grievances received in all of 2021.

Expressing his dismay, Prince Harry denounced Clarkson's comments as abhorrent and damaging, not only to his spouse but also as potentially inciting harmful behavior towards women worldwide.

Moreover, he implied a lack of support from the royal family, noting the conspicuous absence of any public defense following the publication of the contentious article.

The royal scion lamented the resounding silence from the monarchy in the face of such blatant disrespect towards .

The ongoing feud between Piers Morgan and Prince Harry underscores the deepening divide within the royal circles, with Morgan's unrelenting criticism mirroring a broader sentiment of disapproval towards the Sussexes.

As tensions escalate, the public is left to ponder the implications of these confrontations on the future of the monarchy and the personal lives of its members.

The clash between traditional values and modern expectations continues to play out in the public eye, fueling debates and discussions across various platforms.

In the aftermath of Prince Harry's candid revelations, speculations abound regarding the motivations behind his decisions and the potential fallout for the royal family.

The prince's unwavering support for his wife amid relentless scrutiny raises questions about the dynamics within the institution and the challenges faced by those who dare to challenge its conventions.

As the saga unfolds, observers are left to contemplate the shifting landscape of royalty and the enduring legacy of centuries-old traditions.

Amidst the whirlwind of controversies and conflicting narratives, the spotlight remains firmly fixed on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, whose every move and statement draw intense scrutiny from both supporters and detractors alike.

The couple's unyielding defiance against the constraints of royal life has sparked a global conversation on privilege, responsibility, and personal agency.

Their quest for autonomy and authenticity resonates with a generation grappling with identity and expectations in an ever-evolving world.

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