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Piers Morgan Criticizes Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Decision on Royal Titles

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Piers Morgan Criticizes Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Decision on Royal Titles

Piers Morgan, the outspoken broadcaster, has once again made headlines with his sharp criticism of and 's recent decision regarding the upcoming coronation of II.

Known for his vocal disapproval of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Morgan wasted no time in expressing his disdain for the royal couple's actions.

During a recent episode of Piers Morgan Uncensored on Talk TV, the 57-year-old did not hold back in his scathing remarks.

Morgan suggested seating Harry and Meghan in the 10th row, strategically placing them behind to minimize their visibility when the cameras focus on the event.

He openly questioned 's decision to extend an invitation to the couple, labeling them as “ratbags” who have continuously targeted the royal family.

Furthermore, Morgan raised eyebrows by highlighting the apparent contradiction in Harry and Meghan's choice to bestow royal titles upon their children, Prince and Princess .

Previously vocal about their desire for a normal life away from royal duties, the couple's sudden embrace of titles seemed incongruent with their earlier sentiments.

Morgan criticized the couple for profiting from their negative portrayal of the royal family while simultaneously seeking royal privileges for their children.

Adding fuel to the fire, Mirror's associate editor, royal, Russell Myers, chimed in, emphasizing the financial gains made by Harry and Meghan through their public critiques of the royal family.

Morgan echoed these sentiments, denouncing the couple's actions as “rank hypocrisy” and accusing Meghan of fabricating allegations of racism within the royal household.

Disputing Meghan's claims of racist remarks made about her son, Prince , during her controversial interview with , Morgan adamantly stated that there was no evidence to support her allegations.

Former BBC royal correspondent Michael Cole concurred, labeling Meghan's accusations as baseless and condemning her dishonesty.

The ongoing saga surrounding Harry and Meghan's tumultuous relationship with the royal family continues to captivate audiences worldwide.

As opinions on the matter remain divided, the couple's decisions and public statements continue to spark debate and controversy.

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Stay tuned for more intriguing updates on the royal family as the story unfolds.

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