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Petty Drama Unfolds: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Plan to Upstage King Charles’ Coronation

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Petty Drama Unfolds: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Plan to Upstage King Charles’ Coronation

In what seems like a plot straight out of a royal soap opera, royal expert Lee Cohen has raised eyebrows with claims that and might attempt to steal the spotlight from ' upcoming coronation by throwing a birthday bash for their son .

The timing couldn't be more dramatic, as young is set to celebrate his fourth birthday on May 6th, the same day as his grandfather's official crowning ceremony at Westminster Abbey.

Cohen, known for his insights into royal affairs, suggested that the Sussexes, despite no longer being part of the royal family, could be gearing up for a competing celebration on a day when all eyes are expected to be on the historic coronation proceedings.

“It's terribly petty,” Cohen remarked, noting that the Sussexes seem eager to make their mark even without the royal platform they once had.

According to sources close to Meghan Markle, there are whispers that the Duchess and her inner circle are actively fundraising to ensure Archie's birthday is a lavish affair.

Allegedly, Meghan encouraged affluent neighbors in Montecito to contribute financially or provide gifts for the celebration, possibly to compensate for 's absence on their son's special day.

The move has sparked criticism and raised questions about the couple's intentions.

Despite their substantial wealth and recent lucrative deals, some observers find it perplexing that Meghan and Harry would solicit funds for their son's birthday festivities.

The notion of using a child's birthday as a means to gather resources has left many scratching their heads in disbelief.

Interestingly, this isn't the first time the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have leveraged social media and public events for fundraising purposes.

Last year, supporters organized a global celebration for Archie's third birthday, complete with a fundraiser dedicated to him and his sister, Diana.

The online tributes and well-wishes flooded Twitter under the hashtag Archieday, showcasing the couple's dedicated fan base.

As the controversy unfolds, Prince Harry's own plans add another layer of intrigue to the situation.

Reports suggest that he intends to fly back to the US just hours after his father's coronation concludes, rushing to join his family for Archie's birthday celebrations.

The swift turnaround, with Harry departing immediately after the Westminster Abbey service, underscores the complex dynamics at play within the royal family.

While details of Harry's travel arrangements remain undisclosed, speculation abounds regarding his return to California via private jet.

The abrupt departure hints at a desire to prioritize family time over lingering royal engagements, especially given the absence of Archie and at ' coronation.

With rumors swirling and tensions mounting, the prospect of a star-studded birthday party for Archie on May 6th gains traction.

Celebrity guests like , Ellen DeGeneres, and Portia de Rossi are rumored to be on the guest list, adding a touch of glamour to what promises to be a controversial and attention-grabbing event.

As the clock ticks down to both the coronation and Archie's birthday, all eyes are on the Sussexes and their unconventional approach to royal traditions.

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