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Oprah Winfrey Faces Backlash Over Comments on Royal Family Healing

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Oprah Winfrey Faces Backlash Over Comments on Royal Family Healing

has found herself in hot water after her recent remarks regarding the potential for healing within the royal family following II's death.

The media mogul made headlines during the Toronto Film Festival when a reporter inquired whether the passing of the Queen might mend the rifts between , , and the rest of the royals.

Winfrey's response has sparked a wave of criticism, as many believe she played a significant role in creating those very tensions.

Reflecting on the situation, Winfrey revealed that some revelations from her 2021 interview with Harry and Meghan came as a surprise to her.

She described those moments as “bombshells” that emerged during their chat about stepping back from royal duties.

Her intention, she claimed, was merely to provide a platform for the couple to share their side of the story, not to stir up controversy.

However, critics have wasted no time voicing their discontent.

Many argue that Winfrey should have refrained from commenting on the royal family, especially given her history with Harry and Meghan.

One detractor pointedly remarked that Oprah has a lot to answer for, suggesting she contributed to the turmoil surrounding the monarchy.

Social media has been abuzz with reactions, with several users calling for an apology from Winfrey.

Comments like “Maybe an apology would help with the peacemaking” have surfaced, indicating that some believe accountability is necessary for any reconciliation to take place.

The sentiment is clear: many feel Winfrey's past actions have exacerbated the already strained relationship within the royal family.

Piers Morgan, known for his outspoken views, did not hold back when discussing Winfrey's comments on his talk show, Uncensored.

He questioned the validity of her hopes for healing, pointing out that she was instrumental in creating the rift in the first place.

Morgan argued that by allowing Harry and Meghan to air their grievances without challenge, Winfrey effectively enabled their narrative against the royal family.

Lady Victoria Hervey joined Morgan in his critique, asserting that Winfrey should remain out of the conversation altogether.

She pointed out the timing of the infamous interview, which took place while was hospitalized, calling it disgraceful.

This sentiment reflects a broader concern about the appropriateness of Winfrey's involvement in royal matters.

Petronella Weart, another guest on the show, offered a different perspective, characterizing Winfrey's actions as an example of American hypocrisy.

She criticized major media outlets, like The New York Times, for perpetuating negative narratives about the monarchy.

This highlights the ongoing debate about media influence and its role in shaping public perception of the royal family.

Despite differing opinions on Winfrey's involvement, there is a consensus that the rifts within the royal family are real and deep-seated.

Morgan emphasized this point, suggesting that recent footage of the royal brothers may be misleading.

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