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Omen Scobie’s Controversial Escape to Los Angeles Sparks Backlash

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Omen Scobie’s Controversial Escape to Los Angeles Sparks Backlash

The hasty retreat of Omen Scobie from the United Kingdom to Los Angeles has stirred up a whirlwind of controversy and raised red flags.

Scobie found himself in hot water after his recent book, “Endgame,” triggered a storm of racial allegations.

In the book, Scobie claimed that had identified two royal household members who allegedly made racist comments about her son, 's skin color.

However, the truth soon surfaced revealing that Scobie had misinterpreted a French word, and Meghan had actually named only one individual.

This misstep led to a furious backlash from royal supporters and critics alike, accusing Scobie of sensationalism and deceit to boost book sales.

Legal threats from the royal family swiftly followed, demanding an apology and retraction as they vehemently denied the allegations.

Amidst the uproar, Omen Scobie, known as Meghan's staunch advocate, seemed to sense trouble brewing.

He swiftly sought refuge at Meghan's lavish Montecito mansion, where they concocted a strategy aimed at thrusting themselves into the spotlight while tarnishing the royal family's reputation.

Their ambitious plan included ventures such as a Netflix documentary, a podcast, a memoir, and even the possibility of a political campaign.

Meghan appeared to have lofty aspirations, envisioning herself as a potential U.S. president, with Scobie as her media mouthpiece and ally.

In a bid for influence and impact, sealed a lucrative deal with WNE (William Morris Endeavor), a prominent talent agency led by CEO Ari Emanuel, known for his sharp business acumen.

Sources indicate that Meghan and Scobie engaged in covert discussions to smear the royal family's image while elevating their own profiles.

Their behind-the-scenes maneuvering aimed to position them as key players in the realm of public relations.

However, their clandestine meeting did not escape the watchful eye of paparazzi, who captured images of Meghan and Scobie at the WNE office, inadvertently exposing their plans.

The leaked photos quickly circulated online, sparking outrage among devoted royal followers who criticized Meghan for alleged manipulation, hypocrisy, and deceit in using Scobie to propagate false narratives about the royal family.

As doubts surrounding the credibility of Scobie's book mounted, critics questioned his impartiality due to his close ties with Meghan, accusing him of biased and agenda-driven journalism.

A scathing comment on Reddit lambasted Meghan as a master of deception and manipulation, using Scobie as a pawn to spread falsehoods and tarnish the royal family's legacy.

Another commenter branded Scobie a fraud and a coward who sought shelter in LA behind Meghan's influence, urging him to publicly apologize for his partiality and dishonesty.

The unfolding scandal has reportedly left Meghan's talent agency, WNE, dismayed by the negative publicity surrounding their client, with rumors circulating that they are contemplating severing ties with her to safeguard their reputation and relationships with other celebrities and clients.

One senior production source did not mince words in expressing their frustration, labeling Meghan as demanding, divisive, and troublesome.

They highlighted her penchant for controversy and troublemaking, suggesting that she is alienating herself from the industry and the public.

The source indicated that WNE is deliberating ending their association with Meghan to focus on more reliable and respectable talents, signaling potential repercussions for the Duchess amidst the ongoing turmoil.

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