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**Nigerian Charity CEO Blocks Megan from A-List Gala After Exposing Her $25 Starbucks Gift Card Donation**

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**Nigerian Charity CEO Blocks Megan from A-List Gala After Exposing Her $25 Starbucks Gift Card Donation**

A recent development in the philanthropic world has stirred controversy as the CEO of a Nigerian charity, Gianko Foundation, took a bold move by blocking Megan from attending an A-list gala.

The reason behind this exclusion stems from Megan's seemingly lackluster contribution of a mere $25 Starbucks gift card, which raised eyebrows within the charitable community.

In a statement released on Archwell's website, it was revealed that the Archwell Foundation had extended its support to girls' education and health initiatives in Nigeria.

Partnering with the Gianko Foundation, Archwell donated school supplies and menstrual products to young scholars in the region.

The Gianko Foundation is renowned for its dedication to providing critical health care and educational services in Nigeria, particularly focusing on supporting young female victims of terrorism and gender inequality through the David Ayaluo Leadership Scholarship.

Moreover, the Archwell Foundation's support will also facilitate menstrual health education for 2,500 girls in the area, emphasizing the importance of holistic well-being for girls pursuing education.

Despite the noble intentions behind this collaboration, questions have arisen regarding the transparency of the donation, with no specific amount mentioned and lacking concrete evidence of the contribution.

Notably, prominent figures such as Oprah, Angelina Jolie, Disney, Netflix, Chris Rock, and Jimmy Kimmel have been associated with supporting Gianko's initiatives, yet there are no records confirming Megan or Archwell's involvement.

Afam Onyema, the CEO of Gianko, expressed disappointment in the absence of tangible assistance from the Archwell staff in the foundation's projects, highlighting a disconnect between proclaimed support and active engagement.

Megan's publicized gesture of the $25 Starbucks gift card as her sole contribution further fueled skepticism surrounding her philanthropic endeavors.

Despite her partial Nigerian heritage and affinity for coffee, critics argue that her charitable actions appear more as symbolic gestures rather than substantive commitments.

However, in a past initiative, Megan participated in the Save with Stories campaign in 2020, showcasing her support for Save the Children alongside her son .

The upcoming 2023 Gianko Foundation Family Reunion Hollywood Gala scheduled for Friday, September 29th, has garnered attention due to the Sussexes' involvement.

Although Megan was not initially included in the guest list or recognized as a philanthropist or sponsor, it was revealed that the Sussexes had secured a seat for the event.

The gala promises an evening of glamour and philanthropy, featuring a red carpet reception, African-inspired cuisine, a silent auction, and celebrity appearances.

Critics have scrutinized Megan's charitable engagements, suggesting that she instrumentalizes charity to bolster her public image without substantively contributing to causes closer to home.

The absence of reported donations to charities within the UK, let alone Sussex, has raised concerns about the authenticity of her philanthropic endeavors.

Critics argue that Megan selectively aligns herself with charitable causes that align with specific personal narratives, rather than engaging with a diverse range of charitable initiatives.

As the controversy surrounding Megan's charitable contributions continues to unfold, the scrutiny on her motivations and actions within the philanthropic sphere intensifies.

The juxtaposition between symbolic gestures and tangible impact raises questions about the sincerity and depth of her involvement in charitable endeavors.

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