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Netflix’s “The Crown” Faces Backlash Over Princess Diana Storyline

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Netflix’s “The Crown” Faces Backlash Over Princess Diana Storyline

Netflix's hit series, “The Crown,” is once again under fire for its portrayal of the late 's tragic car crash in 1997.

The streaming giant is set to release the final series in two parts, with the first part premiering before Christmas and the second part following afterward.

This controversial storyline has stirred up a storm of criticism, particularly aimed at for his association with a show that allegedly exploits his mother's memory.

As the public outcry grows, questions arise about 's involvement with a production that delves into such sensitive and tragic events.

Critics argue that his continued ties to the series are motivated by financial gain rather than artistic integrity.

With limited career options post-royalty, some speculate that Prince Harry's financial needs outweigh any concerns about the show's controversial content.

“The Crown” creator, Peter Morgan, has staunchly defended the series against detractors, including prominent figures like former British Prime Minister John Major and acclaimed actress Dame Judi Dench.

Morgan suggests that those who criticize the show are missing the point, dismissing their objections as baseless and unfounded.

He asserts that the series is a work of fiction, not a historical documentary, and should be viewed as such.

In a bid to bolster the show's credibility, Morgan has enlisted the support of high-profile individuals like Dame Judi Dench and other esteemed personalities.

By aligning the series with influential figures, he aims to attract viewers and generate buzz around the controversial storyline.

However, critics argue that these tactics are merely a ploy to distract from the show's questionable accuracy and artistic liberties.

The controversy surrounding “The Crown” extends beyond its portrayal of historical events to include allegations of unethical practices within the production team.

Reports suggest that some cast members, such as Helena Bonham Carter, have resorted to unconventional methods, like consulting mediums, to seek approval from deceased royal figures for their performances.

Such behavior has raised eyebrows and fueled speculation about the show's authenticity.

Amidst the uproar, royal historians purportedly advising the series have come under scrutiny for their involvement in shaping the narrative.

These self-proclaimed experts claim to possess insider knowledge of the royal family, yet their contributions to the show have been met with skepticism and disbelief.

Critics question the credibility of these advisors, pointing to the outlandish storylines and sensationalized portrayals featured in the series.

As the debate rages on, “The Crown” continues to court controversy and capture headlines with its provocative storytelling.

With each new revelation, the show's creators and supporters defend their creative choices, arguing that artistic license allows for interpretation and dramatization of historical events.

As the saga unfolds, audiences remain divided on whether “The Crown” is a compelling drama or a disrespectful distortion of history.

Stay tuned for more updates on this unfolding drama from the heart of London.

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