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Netflix Disregards Prince Harry’s Wishes, Portrays Him as Troublemaker in New Film

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Netflix Disregards Prince Harry’s Wishes, Portrays Him as Troublemaker in New Film

's attempts to prevent Netflix from depicting him unfavorably in their upcoming production have fallen on deaf ears, as the streaming giant proceeds with its portrayal of the Duke of Sussex as a mischievous figure in the new film “Can't Stop.”

Despite his expressed concerns, Netflix seems unperturbed by Harry's objections, as revealed by royal biographer Angela Levin during an interview with Nana Akua on GB News.

Levin recounted a meeting with , where he confided in her about his reservations regarding the portrayal of his character in the latest series of The Crown, which will also feature his late mother, , and his brother, .

Expressing his disapproval, Harry conveyed his desire for Netflix not to depict him in an unflattering light.

However, Levin pointed out that despite Harry's past collaborations with the streaming platform, they appear indifferent to his preferences.

The depiction of Prince Harry in the new film reportedly portrays him as a young boy engaging in behaviors such as drinking, smoking, harboring animosity towards his brother, and exhibiting rebellious tendencies.

According to Levin, Harry's association with Netflix has deepened since partnering with his wife, , in various ventures.

The biographer suggested that Harry's involvement with Netflix may have influenced his decision to allow the recreation of his mother's tragic demise in The Crown, despite his initial reluctance.

Critics have accused Prince Harry of leveraging his mother's legacy for personal gain, using her tragic death as a shield to justify his actions and evade accountability.

By perpetuating a narrative of victimhood and exploiting Diana's memory, Harry has faced backlash for overshadowing the contributions of his brother, , in the public eye.

The relentless focus on Harry's perceived struggles and his portrayal as the sole inheritor of Diana's legacy has sparked controversy and condemnation.

Recent reports indicate a growing disparity in public perception between Prince William and , compared to Prince Harry and , particularly in the United States.

Royal expert Sarah Hewson highlighted the increasing popularity of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in America, citing recent polls that favor William and Kate over Harry and Meghan.

The shift in public sentiment has reportedly left the latter couple feeling marginalized and resentful.

Hewson emphasized that the American public's embrace of William and Kate as beloved figures has exacerbated tensions within the royal family, with Harry and Meghan experiencing a sense of alienation and frustration.

Despite Harry's efforts to assert his narrative through revelations and memoirs, the prevailing support for William and Kate suggests a shift in public allegiance.

As the dynamics of royal popularity evolve, the rift between the two couples deepens, underscoring the challenges faced by Harry and Meghan in maintaining their relevance and influence.

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