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Montecito Neighbor Disturbed by Meghan’s Plane Banner Drama

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Montecito Neighbor Disturbed by Meghan’s Plane Banner Drama

A Montecito neighbor of and recently shared a concerning incident on Nextdoor.

The source, identified as Carla MK, reported that an individual had arranged for a plane to fly over Montecito with a banner reading “, Mum's fate, accidental.”

The aircraft, registered as N24242 with the FAA, is associated with an advertising company and has been observed flying at low altitudes in the area, violating FAA regulations.

According to Carla MK, there is speculation that may be behind this stunt.

Allegedly, Meghan is feeling panicked due to negative portrayals of her in a new book by Omid Scobie.

The source suggested that Meghan might be attempting to shift the narrative to position herself as a victim once again.

The neighbor expressed disbelief that anyone in the US would go to such lengths regarding 's death, implying that Meghan and Harry are capitalizing on the tragedy.

The ongoing saga involving Meghan and Harry includes past incidents where they have courted controversy.

From revealing their stay at Tyler Perry's residence to addressing security concerns, the couple has frequently found themselves in the media spotlight.

Despite facing criticism, they continue to engage in attention-grabbing actions that some view as attempts to manipulate public perception.

Recent developments indicate that Prince Harry is pursuing legal action concerning his security arrangements during visits to the UK.

Following his decision to step back from royal duties alongside Meghan in early 2020, Harry was informed of reduced security measures.

Displeased with the Executive Committee's decision, Harry has taken his grievances to the High Court, with proceedings set to commence on December 5th and a verdict expected thereafter.

Critics of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex argue that while they distance themselves from the monarchy, they still expect financial support for their security needs.

The couple's penchant for courting media attention, despite claiming concerns for their privacy and safety, has raised questions about their motives and actions.

Observers are eager to see how the legal challenge unfolds and whether it sheds light on the couple's past interactions with the press.

As the public awaits the outcome of Prince Harry's legal battle, scrutiny of his and Meghan's actions continues.

Their complex relationship with the media, combined with ongoing disputes over security arrangements, underscores the challenges they face in balancing personal privacy with public scrutiny.

The upcoming court proceedings are poised to offer insights into the couple's motivations and the intricacies of their public image management.

In the midst of mounting tensions and legal battles, Meghan and Harry find themselves at the center of yet another controversy.

Their efforts to navigate life outside the royal family have been met with both support and skepticism, as they seek to carve out a new path while grappling with the repercussions of their decisions.

The coming days are likely to bring further revelations and confrontations as the couple's saga unfolds.

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