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Modern Parenting: Even Royals Struggle with Screen Time

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Modern Parenting: Even Royals Struggle with Screen Time

Parenting today is a whole different ball game compared to what our parents experienced.

The landscape has shifted dramatically, and many of us are just trying to navigate through it with the best tools we have.

It's a journey filled with ups and downs, and guess what?

No one, not even the royals, is exempt from the challenges that come with raising children.

and are no strangers to the complexities of modern parenting.

They face the same hurdles as everyday parents, especially when it comes to managing their children's screen time.

In a recent conversation at BAFTA's London headquarters, opened up about this very issue, highlighting that even royal kids have their share of screen time battles.

During his visit, William candidly admitted that he and Kate are quite mindful of how much time their kids spend in front of screens.

This is a struggle many families can relate to, particularly after the pandemic forced everyone to rely on technology more than ever.

William's acknowledgment of this common dilemma really resonates with parents everywhere.

The royal couple's eldest child, Prince George, seems to have a particular affinity for video games.

William shared that George is quite passionate about gaming, more so than his younger siblings.

While the little ones are still too young to dive into gaming, they do enjoy watching films, which is another screen-related activity that parents often grapple with.

William's remarks underscore a universal truth: parenting is filled with constant monitoring and regulation, especially when it comes to technology.

He expressed the need to be cautious about how much screen time their children are allowed, emphasizing the importance of finding a balance.

This is a sentiment echoed by parents worldwide who are trying to strike that perfect chord.

It's interesting to see that even within the royal family, the desire to foster healthy habits in children remains a priority.

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