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Mick in Disarray as Former Nanny of Archie Lilly Reveals Payment Dispute

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Mick in Disarray as Former Nanny of Archie Lilly Reveals Payment Dispute

A recent revelation by Jessica Reid Krause, known as houseinahabit on Instagram with a million followers, has stirred up controversy surrounding and .

Krause disclosed on her Instagram story that the couple's previous nanny, hired between August and October, abruptly resigned due to unpaid overtime wages.

Allegedly, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex expected the nanny to work tirelessly for almost a month without proper compensation, even as they jetted off to the UK, leaving their children behind in California.

Criticism poured in on Instagram, with one user condemning the couple's actions as “ridiculous” and empathizing with the nanny's financial struggles.

Speculations arose about the couple's financial situation, suggesting that despite not being broke, their extravagant spending habits may be unsustainable without additional income.

The pressure on seems palpable as their anticipated contracts failed to materialize, leading to bitterness and vindictiveness.

In stark contrast, Prince Harry's brother enjoys immense wealth as a billionaire, while his father holds the title of the King.

The disparity in financial stability was highlighted by another commenter who lamented the lack of regard shown by the couple towards both their employees and their children.

The revolving door of nannies for Harry and Meghan's children was criticized, contrasting it with the consistency in care provided to the Wales children by their long-standing nanny.

Adding to the intrigue, 's former nanny, Lauren Cumulo from Zimbabwe, shared an anecdote about her first encounter with Prince Harry at Frogmore Cottage.

She described him as a tall, barefoot figure that instantly dispelled any sense of formality she had anticipated.

Cumulo, now working as a neonatal intensive care and pediatric nurse at The Portland and Westminster private maternity hospital, recounted the moment she received the call to work for the royal couple, which led to a speeding ticket in her haste to meet them.

The Portland Hospital holds historical significance as the birthing place for generations of royal women, including and her son, .

Following Archie's birth, Meghan's mother, Doria, stayed at Frogmore Cottage for a month to support the new parents.

Reflecting on her recruitment process, Cumulo reminisced about the surreal moment when she was informed about Prince Harry and Meghan's interest in hiring her as a nanny, prompting her to rush to their residence and inadvertently receive a traffic violation in her eagerness.

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