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Megyn Kelly vs.

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Megyn Kelly vs.

: A No-Holds-Barred Interview That Shook the Royals

In a stunning display of journalistic tenacity, Megyn Kelly took to her new NewsNation program last night for an electrifying interview with .

The conversation quickly turned fiery as Kelly tackled Harry on his and Meghan's ongoing grievances about royal life and their decision to step away from the royal family.

This was not just another celebrity chat; it was a deep dive into the tumultuous waters of royal dynamics, where Kelly proved she would not shy away from tough questions.

The interview kicked off with Kelly extending a warm welcome to Harry.

However, she wasted no time in pressing him about the couple's seemingly endless complaints regarding their past life in the monarchy.

Harry struggled to articulate why they felt compelled to keep discussing their grievances, insisting that their mission was to shed light on systemic injustices within the royal institution.

Yet, Kelly was quick to challenge him, pointing out that the conversation appeared heavily skewed in his favor.

“Haven't we heard your side enough?”

she asked, highlighting the lack of balance in their narrative.

As Harry's frustration became palpable, he argued that as royals, they had been silenced but now relished their freedom of speech.

Kelly countered sharply, suggesting that this newfound freedom seemed exclusively reserved for criticizing his family.

“I haven't heard you say anything positive about anyone back in the UK,” she remarked, prompting an intense reaction from Harry.

He became visibly agitated, claiming they had been deceived and treated unfairly.

Then came the moment that sent shockwaves through the studio.

Kelly, with an air of authority, suggested that Harry might be losing touch with reality.

“Have you become so enchanted by Meghan that you've lost your objectivity?”

she asked, a statement that left the audience gasping.

Harry's indignation was clear as he vehemently denied the accusation, but Kelly pressed on, insinuating that he had sacrificed everything for Meghan without independent thought.

The tension escalated as Kelly relentlessly questioned Harry about his decision-making process.

Did he ever second-guess leaving the royal fold?

Was it truly a mutual decision, or was he simply following Meghan's lead?

Despite Harry's attempts to defend their choices as a united front, Kelly painted a picture of him as someone who had been led astray, raising eyebrows about the motivations behind their departure.

Kelly then pivoted to a particularly provocative topic: the couple's criticism of the media juxtaposed with their lucrative deals with platforms like Netflix and Spotify.

Harry attempted to justify their actions as a means of reclaiming their narrative, but Kelly was having none of it.

She pointed out the glaring double standards in their approach, challenging him to reconcile their selective engagement with the media while denouncing critical outlets.

With the stakes rising, Kelly didn't hold back when discussing the financial support Harry received from his late mother's brother, Earl Spencer.

She questioned whether his departure from royal duties was genuinely about seeking freedom or simply about cashing in on his royal status.

The implications weighed heavily on Harry, who seemed increasingly defensive.

As the interview reached a boiling point, Harry accused Kelly of conducting an “unbelievably disrespectful” interview.

He implied that she was undermining his autonomy and disregarding his efforts to honor his mother's legacy.

Unfazed, Kelly maintained her composure, asserting that the public deserved a fuller perspective, one that included more than just Harry's narrative.

In a dramatic turn, Harry abruptly threw off his microphone and stormed off the set, leaving Kelly to calmly thank him for his time.

The confrontation underscored the complexities of their situation, revealing the raw emotions and tensions simmering beneath the surface of their public persona.

This interview will undoubtedly be remembered as one of the most compelling confrontations in recent memory.

Kelly's fearless approach and refusal to back down from uncomfortable truths brought a refreshing intensity to the discourse surrounding the royal couple.

It's a reminder that in the world of celebrity interviews, sometimes the most valuable insights come from the hardest questions.

As viewers digest the fallout from this explosive exchange, one thing is clear: the dialogue around the royals is far from over.

Kelly's bold questioning may have opened the floodgates for a deeper exploration of the issues at hand, setting the stage for future discussions that could reshape public perceptions of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

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