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Meghan’s Jam Debacle: The Royal Family’s Silent Rejection

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Meghan’s Jam Debacle: The Royal Family’s Silent Rejection

In a rather dramatic turn of events, finds herself in hot water with her husband, , over his father, III.

Sources close to the couple reveal that Meghan has been persistently trying to reach out to the King via phone calls, only to be met with silence.

, known for his level-headedness, has seemingly chosen to ignore these attempts, which many believe is the best course of action given the circumstances.

The crux of Meghan's frustration appears to stem from her recent jam launch.

She seems to think that King Charles is somehow undermining her efforts by promoting his own Highgrove Jam.

The notion that a monarch would actively sabotage an American celebrity's product is not just far-fetched; it also highlights how disconnected Meghan may be from the realities of royal protocols.

In the royal world, endorsements come with a royal warrant, typically awarded after consistent service to the royal household, something Meghan seems to overlook.

Critics are quick to point out that Meghan's understanding of royal dynamics is lacking.

It raises questions about whether Harry has failed to educate her on these matters or if she simply believes she knows better.

This situation paints a picture of a woman who doesn't quite grasp the intricacies of royal life, leading some to label her as out of touch.

In a peculiar twist, Meghan's jam has reportedly sold out, leading her to claim that King Charles is somehow responsible for her product's success—or lack thereof.

This bizarre logic suggests that she might be attributing any extra sales of Highgrove Jam to her own launch, a notion that many find laughable.

Critics argue that this mindset reflects a deeper issue, pointing to a narcissistic tendency that disregards hard work and genuine effort.

As the drama unfolds, it becomes clear that Meghan's attempts to align her brand with that of the royal family are falling flat.

Recent media coverage often features her alongside royal family members, but the comparisons are seen as absurd.

Meghan's insistence on intertwining her image with that of King Charles only serves to highlight her desperation for validation and recognition.

Moreover, reports indicate that the royal family, particularly the King, has chosen to cut off communication with Meghan altogether.

They've been advised that the best way to handle a narcissist is to block them completely.

This strategy seems to extend even to Harry, who may struggle to reach his family without going through aides.

The King's preference for traditional communication methods only complicates matters further.

King Charles famously prefers to avoid mobile phones, relying instead on aides for contact.

His decision to take calls only through intermediaries reinforces the idea that he is distancing himself from Meghan.

Even during poignant moments, such as when he received news about the passing of his mother, he used an aide's phone, suggesting a desire for privacy and control.

The ongoing saga raises eyebrows about Meghan's mental state.

Some observers humorously suggest that she needs to be “put in a straitjacket,” reflecting the absurdity of her expectations.

The idea that the King of England would concern himself with an American's jam business is seen as preposterous, underscoring her misplaced priorities.

For years, Meghan has dabbled in selling jams and honey, which began as a personal passion project.

However, her recent endeavors seem to lack the authenticity and hard work required for success.

Rather than expecting royal endorsement, she might be better off focusing on her business acumen and investing wisely.

As the public watches this drama unfold, it becomes increasingly clear that Meghan's relationship with the royal family is strained.

Her repeated attempts to connect with King Charles appear futile, leaving her seemingly shouting into the void.

Many wonder if she realizes that her actions have led to her current position of isolation.

Ultimately, Meghan's attempts to influence the royal family and regain their favor seem doomed to fail.

She may have lost sight of her standing within the royal hierarchy, believing she still holds sway.

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