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Meghan’s Flower Gazing Saga Unfolds at Windsor

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Meghan’s Flower Gazing Saga Unfolds at Windsor

caused quite a stir as she hired cameramen to capture her leisurely moments admiring flowers at Windsor.

The Welsers were left waiting for an hour, all while the Duchess of Sussex took her time deciding what to wear.

Omid Scobie, in his latest book “Endgame,” alleges that Sophie, Princess Kate, and Queen appeared to give Meghan the cold shoulder.

According to Scobie, Meghan faced snubs and brush-offs during her UK stint with , all while dealing with power dynamics within the royal family.

The tension escalated when it was revealed that Meghan had cameramen on standby to film her flower-viewing expedition the day after the late Queen's passing.

This move raised eyebrows among the royals, as they feared being inadvertently captured on film for potential Netflix content.

Jeremy Clarkson even confirmed that the filming crew was present to document the Harkles' activities, further fueling the gossip mill.

Rumors swirled that strategically invited Meghan and Harry to join him and Princess Catherine on a public outing to prevent the couple from embarking on a solo venture.

By having the event videos and images copyrighted to the Crown Estate, William ensured that the footage remained commercially untouchable for Meghan and Harry's personal use.

This calculated move showcased the intricate dynamics at play within the royal family.

Meanwhile, royal biographer Tom Bower launched a scathing critique of and following the release of Omid Scobie's controversial book.

Bower accused the Duke and Duchess of Sussex of fueling tensions with the monarchy by collaborating with Scobie on his publications.

He pointed out that Scobie's unwavering support for the couple raised suspicions about his true allegiance and motives.

In a candid interview with GB News, Bower highlighted the Sussexes' ongoing vendetta against the royal family, using media platforms to sow discord and tarnish the monarchy's image.

Bower condemned Meghan and Harry's actions, labeling them as detrimental to their own reputation and the royal institution.

The relentless pursuit of personal gain at the expense of royal relations painted a grim picture of the couple's priorities and ethics.

As the controversy surrounding Meghan's flower-gazing escapade and the release of Scobie's book continues to unfold, the rift between the Sussexes and the royal family deepens.

The intricate web of alliances and betrayals within the palace walls mirrors a high-stakes drama playing out in the public eye.

With each revelation and accusation, the narrative of power struggles and personal agendas takes center stage, leaving both sides entrenched in a battle of words and actions.

The clash between tradition and modernity, duty and ambition, loyalty and self-interest underscores the complexities of royal life in the 21st century.

As Meghan and Harry navigate their post-royal existence in the spotlight, their every move and decision face scrutiny and speculation.

The echoes of past grievances and present conflicts reverberate through the halls of Buckingham Palace, shaping the narrative of a royal family grappling with change and challenges.

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