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Meghan’s Attempt to Steal Kate’s Thunder Fails as Queen Honors Middleton’s Rare Birthday Privileges

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Meghan’s Attempt to Steal Kate’s Thunder Fails as Queen Honors Middleton’s Rare Birthday Privileges

's 40th birthday celebration this weekend is anticipated to be low-key, with a grander event planned later in the year alongside , according to royal expert Ingrid Seward.

The Duchess of Cambridge will reach a significant milestone on Sunday as she turns 40.

As the saying goes, life supposedly begins at 40, suggesting that this moment is crucial for both the Duchess and the monarchy.

With Kate assuming a more prominent role within the royal family while the Queen reduces her duties, all eyes are expected to be on the birthday girl in the coming weeks.

Despite the excitement surrounding Kate's milestone, there is a sense of apprehension among insiders that the presence of and could potentially overshadow the celebrations.

The couple has been known to make unexpected announcements and steal the spotlight from the royals at inopportune times.

While there is no direct implication of intentional disruption, past occurrences of untimely revelations and photo opportunities have raised concerns among palace insiders.

Ingrid Seward speculates that although Kate may enjoy a day of intimate celebrations with her loved ones, a grand birthday party could be in store for her, possibly hosted by the Queen herself.

Seward confidently asserts that a joint celebration for Kate and , who also turns 40 in June following the Queen's Platinum Jubilee festivities, is highly probable.

She envisions a scenario where the monarch orchestrates a lavish bash for the duo post the Jubilee celebrations.

Amidst the forthcoming celebrations, it appears that Kate will miss out on a customary honor on her birthday this Sunday.

The traditional chimes of Westminster Abbey, typically heard by senior royals including Kate, will not ring out in her honor due to cost-cutting measures implemented.

The suspension of bell-ringing for royal birthdays, including those of , , and others, was initiated in response to the pandemic in April 2020 and continued even after the resumption of services in September 2021.

Royal author Duncan Larcombe reflects on Kate's impending 40th birthday, highlighting the potential absence of 's involvement in the celebrations.

Larcombe notes a significant shift in dynamics between the royal brothers, emphasizing the ongoing rift between Prince William and Prince Harry.

As the estrangement persists, Larcombe muses on the messages that Harry and Meghan might send to Kate, underscoring the stark contrast from previous times when Harry played a pivotal role in Kate's celebrations.

As Kate prepares to observe her 40th birthday privately this weekend, Harry and Meghan are residing in California post their departure from royal duties.

The Duchess is likely to spend her special day with William and their three children – Prince George, , and .

The Cambridges recently celebrated Christmas at Anmer Hall in Norfolk, setting the stage for a more intimate and family-oriented birthday celebration for Kate as she enters a new decade of her life.

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