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Meghan Markle’s Team in Turmoil Over Scobie’s Controversial Book

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Meghan Markle’s Team in Turmoil Over Scobie’s Controversial Book

In a whirlwind of controversy, 's advisors are reportedly urging her to swiftly distance herself from Omid Scobie's explosive new book, *Endgame*, which has ignited a firestorm of criticism surrounding the royal family.

The stakes are high for Meghan and , as they face mounting pressure to denounce Scobie or risk their future in America being jeopardized.

Recent reports indicate that Meghan's Hollywood team is both horrified and exasperated by the couple's plummeting popularity, a situation exacerbated by the renewed debate over race within the Palace and the book's harsh critiques of .

An opinion poll conducted by the UK Sunday Express revealed a staggering 78% of British respondents view Kate as a better role model than Meghan, leaving the Duchess of Sussex with a mere 22% support.

Former BBC royal correspondent Michael Colbeck weighed in, stating that Harry must take immediate action to quell the racist allegations swirling around the royal family.

He emphasized the need for clarity, suggesting that Harry should publicly clarify that he does not accuse his relatives of racism.

This crisis, he argues, requires urgent attention to avoid further damage to their reputation.

Across the pond, is reportedly weighing all options, including potential legal action against those named in the Dutch-language edition of *Endgame*.

Colbeck insists that Harry should address the problematic correspondence between Meghan and his father, which Scobie used as a foundation for his allegations.

The silence emanating from the Sussexes' mansion in Montecito has raised eyebrows, leading to speculation about their next steps.

A source from Meghan's new agency, WME, expressed deep concern about the ongoing scandal threatening to derail the couple's future endeavors.

They noted that several lucrative deals are on the table for Meghan, but these opportunities could vanish if the couple fails to act decisively.

The American audience is growing weary of what many perceive as unfair attacks on Princess Kate, putting additional pressure on Meghan and Harry.

The narrative surrounding *Endgame* has led to assumptions that Meghan and Harry may be behind the damaging claims, given their past associations with Scobie.

If they do not publicly distance themselves from the author and his controversial assertions, they risk being swept up in the backlash.

Their current predicament underscores the precariousness of their situation and the urgent need to navigate this crisis effectively.

Omid Scobie, often labeled as Meghan's spokesperson, has denied any direct collaboration with the couple regarding the book's content.

However, he acknowledged that people close to them were willing to share insights about their disputes with the royal family.

In an interview, he claimed to have met Meghan on several occasions, asserting that he has spoken about their interactions but maintains that others around them possess valuable information.

Scobie's book takes a particularly harsh stance against Kate, suggesting she played a role in isolating Meghan from the royal family.

He expressed surprise at the perceived coldness from Kate during Meghan's most challenging times, implying a lack of support from someone who had experienced similar struggles.

His critique raises questions about familial bonds and character, further complicating the already fraught relationship between the Sussexes and the royals.

In a twist of irony, Scobie's reference to “Katie Keene,” a nickname he claims was used for Kate, has drawn attention for its connection to an American comic book character.

Meghan has openly shared her fondness for comics, adding another layer to the narrative.

As the fallout from *Endgame* continues, both Meghan and Harry find themselves grappling with a significant decline in their public standing.

Polls from Newsweek and YouGov are expected to reflect this downward trend, indicating that public sentiment is shifting against the couple.

A survey conducted for the Sunday Express found that a vast majority of respondents favor Kate over Meghan, highlighting the challenges the Sussexes face in rebuilding their image.

Royal experts are calling for immediate action from Harry and Meghan, stressing that they cannot remain silent.

Phil Dampier, a royal author, pointed out that the couple must clarify their stance on the book and the allegations it contains.

Silence, he argues, only serves to deepen the divide and complicate any potential reconciliation with the royal family.

Investigative journalist Tom Bauer echoed these sentiments, describing Scobie's revelations as a harmful escalation in the ongoing tensions between the Sussexes and the royals.

He criticized the allegations as not only unfounded but also absurd, suggesting that the situation is becoming increasingly murky.

With their future hanging in the balance, Meghan and Harry must navigate these turbulent waters carefully to preserve their standing in both Hollywood and the royal realm.

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