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Meghan Markle’s Royal Obsession: New Evidence Unveils the Truth

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Meghan Markle’s Royal Obsession: New Evidence Unveils the Truth

The narrative surrounding and her relationship with has always been a fascinating topic.

Meghan often asserts that she had no idea who Harry was when they first crossed paths.

She claims ignorance about the Royal Family, but recent revelations suggest otherwise.

Evidence emerging from a docuseries indicates that Meghan was not only aware of but was also quite intrigued by the royal family long before their romance blossomed.

A keen-eyed Reddit user has unearthed compelling proof that challenges Meghan's narrative.

In a photograph from 2014, taken while she was waiting at an airport, Meghan can be seen working on her MacBook.

What caught everyone's attention was the image displayed on her screen—an unmistakable picture of II.

This particular photo, captured by Dorothy Wilding in 1952, bears a striking resemblance to what Meghan was looking at, complete with identifiable features like the Queen's hairstyle and crown.

The timing of this revelation is particularly interesting.

The photo of Meghan, sporting a straw Panama hat, was taken two years before she and Harry officially started dating in mid-2016.

This raises questions about why she would be researching the Queen during that time.

Could it be that Meghan had a deeper fascination with the royals than she has previously admitted?

Adding another layer to this story, Meghan's childhood friend, Ninnicky Pretty, shed light on Meghan's long-standing interest in royalty.

Pretty recalled how, as a young girl, Meghan was captivated by the royal family.

She even had a copy of “Diana: Her True Story” by Andrew Morton on her bookshelf.

According to Pretty, Meghan's aspirations were clear: she wanted to embody the essence of .

This fascination didn't just stop at books.

In 1996, Meghan posed outside Buckingham Palace at the age of 15, a moment that now seems like a precursor to her future life.

Pretty expressed that Meghan's engagement to Harry felt almost preordained, suggesting that Meghan had been planning for this moment for much longer than anyone realized.

Moreover, Meghan's previous comments during her infamous Oprah interview contradict her current narrative.

While she claimed to have never considered what it would be like to marry into royalty, her past blog posts tell a different story.

The Sun on Sunday recently highlighted that Meghan had fantasized about being a princess long before she met Harry.

In fact, in 2014, Meghan even posed with a tabloid magazine that speculated about expecting twins.

This suggests she was not oblivious to the royal family's dynamics or the media's obsession with them.

The evidence points to a woman who was acutely aware of the royal traditions and their global significance.

As the pieces of this puzzle come together, it becomes increasingly difficult to accept Meghan's claims of ignorance regarding the royals.

The notion that she was merely a casual observer seems far-fetched when considering the depth of her past interests.

From her airport Google searches to her childhood dreams, it's clear that Meghan's story is more complex than she has let on.

The unfolding narrative has sparked discussions among royal watchers and fans alike.

Many are left questioning the authenticity of Meghan's portrayal of her relationship with Harry.

Was it truly a fairy tale romance born out of chance, or was it a carefully orchestrated plan that had been in the making for years?

As more evidence surfaces, the public's perception of continues to evolve.

What once seemed like a straightforward love story is now mired in skepticism and intrigue.

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