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Meghan Markle’s Revelations on Prince Archie’s Expensive Taste in Photography

Photos: GETTY

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Meghan Markle’s Revelations on Prince Archie’s Expensive Taste in Photography

, the Duchess of Sussex, recently provided a rare glimpse into the world of her son, Prince , shedding light on his passion for photography.

It was during this event that Meghan shared insights into 's budding interest in photography, inspired by Harriman's guidance.

The Duchess affectionately recounted how her four-and-a-half-year-old son, Prince Archie, insisted on being acknowledged as four-and-a-half, not just four, showcasing his burgeoning sense of self.

She described how Harriman had been teaching Archie photography techniques, sparking a deep fascination with the art form in the young prince.

In a bid to nurture his newfound hobby, Meghan revealed that she had gifted Archie a camera to further encourage his creative pursuits.

However, Meghan humorously disclosed that Archie's response to the camera gift was not what she had expected.

The young prince expressed disappointment that the camera he received was not a Leica, a prestigious German camera brand known for its high-end models that can cost up to £8,000.

Meghan fondly recalled Archie's remark, “but it's not a Leica like Misson's,” prompting her playful response that he would not be receiving such an extravagant gift, not even for Christmas.

The conversation around Archie's affinity for photography offers a rare glimpse into the private lives of Meghan and 's children.

The couple has been intentional about safeguarding Archie and their daughter, , from the public eye, as evidenced by their decision not to feature the children in their recent Christmas card.

Instead, the card showcased a photo of just Meghan and Harry, accompanied by a message extending holiday wishes and gratitude for the support received throughout the year.

In contrast to the family-oriented Christmas cards of other royal couples, such as and , Meghan and Harry's deliberate choice to maintain privacy underscores their commitment to shielding their children from excessive public scrutiny.

The card's omission of images of Archie and marks a departure from their previous practices, exemplifying the Sussexes' dedication to prioritizing their family's privacy amidst ongoing media attention.

As Meghan continues to navigate life in the public eye while safeguarding her family's privacy, her candid revelations about Archie's passion for photography provide a heartwarming glimpse into the joys of parenthood within the royal household.

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