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**Meghan Markle’s Racial Identity Sparks Controversy on Social Media**

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**Meghan Markle’s Racial Identity Sparks Controversy on Social Media**

A recent resurgence in discussions surrounding 's racial identity has ignited a firestorm on social media.

The focal point of this uproar stems from an online profile dating back to 2013, where Meghan is listed as Caucasian, leading some to speculate whether the Duchess of Sussex herself provided this information.

The revelation of this profile image, although recently surfaced, has been circulating online for several years, prompting intense scrutiny and debate within the digital community.

The controversy escalated further when a tweet surfaced on December 10th, 2022, alleging that had identified herself as a Caucasian supermodel.

This tweet garnered significant engagement, fueling the ongoing discourse around Meghan's self-identification and the implications it carries.

Critics seized upon this revelation as evidence of Meghan's alleged misrepresentation of her racial background, asserting that she has consistently portrayed herself as Caucasian across various platforms, including her CVs.

Amidst the online furor, accusations of deceit and strategic narrative-shaping have been hurled at Meghan, with some individuals accusing her of exploiting racial dynamics for personal gain.

Detractors claim that Meghan strategically aligns herself with movements like Black Lives Matter not out of genuine concern for racial justice but rather as a calculated career move to propel herself into the political arena.

They argue that Meghan opportunistically wields her racial identity to deflect criticism and evade accountability for her actions, invoking accusations of dishonesty, manipulation, and hypocrisy.

The contentious nature of Meghan's racial identity extends to her public persona and how she chooses to present herself to the world.

Critics contend that Meghan selectively embraces her Caucasian heritage while downplaying or outright rejecting her mixed-race background, particularly her black ancestry.

This deliberate choice to emphasize her white identity while dismissing her black lineage has drawn sharp rebuke from those who accuse Meghan of disavowing her complete racial makeup in favor of a more socially advantageous narrative.

The scrutiny surrounding Meghan's racial identity also extends to her relationship with and their children.

Observers note a stark contrast in how Meghan and Harry approach discussions of race within their family dynamic.

While Harry openly acknowledges their children's mixed-race heritage, Meghan purportedly distances herself from such categorizations, preferring to be viewed primarily as a white woman.

This disparity in perspectives on racial identity within the royal couple has not gone unnoticed, further fueling speculation and debate among commentators and social media users.

Tom Bauer, a prominent figure in the ongoing discourse, suggests that Meghan's strategic positioning regarding race predates her marriage to .

Bauer insinuates that Meghan leveraged discussions of race as a means to bolster her public image when faced with career challenges.

Meghan's critics argue that her recent vocalizations about racism, particularly concerning her children's experiences, ring hollow given her historical reluctance to fully embrace her mixed-race heritage.

In the midst of these swirling controversies, one thing remains clear: Meghan Markle's racial identity continues to be a lightning rod for debate and scrutiny.

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