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Meghan Markle’s Podcast Faces a Tough Time in the Charts

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Meghan Markle’s Podcast Faces a Tough Time in the Charts

's podcast, Archetypes, has hit a rough patch in the U.S. charts.

Once riding high on the wave of public interest, it now finds itself languishing at number 77 on Spotify.

This decline is particularly striking considering that the podcast was part of an ambitious £18 million deal with Spotify, aimed at creating captivating content that resonates with listeners.

The latest episode, titled “The Audacity of the Activist,” features a conversation with actress Jameela Jameel.

Despite its intriguing title, the episode struggled to capture audience attention, even falling behind a podcast designed specifically for soothing babies to sleep.

Such a comparison highlights the challenges Archetypes faces in maintaining listener engagement.

While Archetypes as a series ranks slightly better at number 22 overall on Spotify, the individual episodes tell a different story.

Meghan's recent chat with Jameel delved into the complexities of activism but didn't seem to resonate with the audience.

Jameel, known for her controversial online presence, has faced criticism for her past behavior, including sending hurtful messages to the late Caroline Flack, which adds a layer of scrutiny to their discussion.

In September, Archetypes briefly claimed the top spot in Spotify's U.S. podcast chart, despite competing against heavyweights like Joe Rogan.

However, many listeners began to question the integrity of those rankings.

Critics alleged that Spotify may have manipulated its charts to keep Meghan's podcast at number one, even when the actual listenership numbers suggested otherwise.

Interestingly, the first two episodes featuring guests like Mariah Carey and Serena Williams ranked significantly lower in Spotify's top episodes list, indicating a disconnect between perceived popularity and actual engagement.

The disparity raised eyebrows among subscribers, leading to accusations that Spotify was massaging the numbers to justify the hefty investment made in Markle's podcasting venture.

Spotify utilizes two distinct charts: one for overall podcast rankings and another for individual episode performance.

The latter ranks shows based solely on unique listeners for that day, making it easier to gauge real-time engagement.

Many listeners found it baffling that Archetypes could hold the number one spot overall while individual episodes languished far below.

In the UK, the situation mirrored that of the U.S., with Meghan's initial episodes also ranking low in listener numbers.

Despite this, Spotify maintained that Archetypes was the top podcast in the country, prompting further skepticism from fans who felt the charts might be rigged.

One American subscriber voiced confusion about the apparent discrepancy, questioning why the podcast was ranked so high when its episodes struggled to attract listeners.

The backlash against Spotify's handling of Archetypes has been significant.

Some users took to social media to express their frustration, with comments suggesting that the platform was trying to save face after facing criticism for signing Markle.

Observers noted that the hefty £18 million deal likely influenced Spotify's decisions regarding the podcast's visibility.

As industry insiders speculate about Spotify's motives, it appears that the streaming giant may be under pressure to make the Archetypes project seem successful.

The substantial investment in Meghan and 's podcasting journey adds a layer of complexity to the narrative, as Spotify navigates the fine line between promoting content and ensuring genuine listener engagement.

The ongoing saga of Archetypes serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of podcasting.

What starts as a promising venture can quickly shift, leaving creators and platforms alike scrambling to adapt.

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