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**Meghan Markle’s Past Marriage Unveiled: The Truth Behind Her Divorce**

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**Meghan Markle’s Past Marriage Unveiled: The Truth Behind Her Divorce**

The mysterious past of the Duchess of Sussex has once again come under scrutiny, particularly focusing on the reasons behind her divorce from her first husband, Trevor Engelson.

Their relationship, portrayed as a tale of unwavering love and support, took a drastic turn after just 23 months of marriage.

But was jealousy truly at the core of their separation, as some sources suggest?

Contrary to the narrative presented in the book “Finding Freedom,” which implies envy on Trevor Engelson's part towards Meghan's success, those close to him offer a different perspective.

Engelson's uncle, Mickey Miles Felton, dismisses the idea of jealousy, emphasizing that Trevor is a person of integrity who would never harbor such feelings.

According to Mr. Felton, the claims made in the book aim to whitewash any wrongdoing on Meghan's part.

In defense of Trevor, Mr. Felton highlights his nephew's track record of supporting and uplifting those around him, including Meghan during her early acting career.

He adamantly refutes the notion of jealousy, labeling it as nothing more than “rubbish” or “trash.”

Despite any imperfections, Trevor's uncle asserts that he is not the type to be threatened by his partner's achievements.

A glimpse into Engelson's social media activity paints a picture of genuine pride in Meghan's accomplishments.

From celebrating her casting in “Suits” to applauding the show's success, Trevor's public displays of support contradict claims of jealousy.

Even after their wedding, his online posts exude admiration for his wife's achievements, suggesting a supportive dynamic between the couple.

Following their split, Meghan embarked on a new chapter, immersing herself in a different lifestyle and social circle.

Transitioning from a modest townhouse in Toronto to a lavish mansion in California, her life underwent a significant transformation.

The contrast between her past with Trevor and her present with is stark, reflecting the evolution of her personal journey.

The early days of Meghan and Trevor's relationship were marked by admiration and affection, with Engelson being perceived as a guiding force in her life.

His confidence and charm captivated Meghan, creating a dynamic where she looked up to him.

Similarly, Trevor boasted about his relationship with the budding actress, showcasing her as a prized possession among his peers.

Amidst these revelations, speculations about Meghan's intentions and character have surfaced, with allegations of her being a “gold digger” resurfacing from old blog posts.

These claims add another layer of complexity to the ongoing scrutiny surrounding her past and motivations.

As the details of her previous marriage continue to unfold, the public remains intrigued by the intricacies of 's journey.

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