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**Meghan Markle’s Mother, Doria Ragland, Leaves Montecito Mansion in Tears**

Photos: GETTY

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**Meghan Markle’s Mother, Doria Ragland, Leaves Montecito Mansion in Tears**

Doria Ragland, the mother of , was seen leaving the Montecito mansion in tears after an alleged altercation with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

Ragland had been staying with Harry and Meghan following their move to California, but tensions reportedly escalated between them.

Initially, Ragland would visit her grandchildren at the mansion and then return home.

However, in recent months, she has been spending extended periods at the Sussexes' residence, much to 's dismay.

The situation worsened as expressed dissatisfaction with Ragland's level of involvement in raising and .

Rumors circulated about conflict between Prince Harry and Ragland, with claims suggesting mistreatment and manipulation.

Allegations surfaced regarding Ragland's behavior, including accusations of a domineering attitude and alleged drug use, which some believe influenced Harry's own struggles with substance abuse.

The breaking point came when Meghan reportedly kicked Doria out of the house following a heated argument.

The dispute reportedly centered around the naming of baby Lily, with tensions rising in the nursery late at night.

Reports suggest that Doria felt slighted by the choice of name, as it did not acknowledge her in any way.

Speculation arose that Meghan was deliberately avoiding recognizing Doria's African American heritage, leading to a confrontation that allegedly turned physical.

Princess Tiffany, a YouTube commentator, shed light on the escalating conflict between Meghan and her mother, detailing a dramatic confrontation that unfolded within the mansion.

Witnesses claimed to have overheard heated exchanges and even physical altercations between the two women.

The incident reportedly culminated in Doria storming out of the house in tears, with Meghan declaring that she never wanted to see her mother again.

The aftermath of the altercation saw a wave of staff members reportedly resigning from their positions within the household.

The incident has sparked discussions about the dynamics within the royal family and the challenges faced by Meghan and Harry in navigating their relationships with extended family members.

As tensions continue to mount, the future remains uncertain for the Sussexes and their interactions with Doria Ragland.

The episode serves as a stark reminder of the complexities and pressures that come with life in the public eye, even within the confines of a private residence.

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