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Meghan Markle’s Handler Demands VIP Treatment at NYC Restaurant in 2017

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Meghan Markle’s Handler Demands VIP Treatment at NYC Restaurant in 2017

Former maitre d', Michael Kechiazzolina, has revealed shocking details about an encounter with 's handler at the Michelin-starred restaurant Le Coq in New York City back in 2017.

In his upcoming memoir titled “Your Table is Ready, Tales of a New York City Maitre d'”, Kechiazzolina claims that the handler rudely insisted on a private table, citing that it was for someone dating a prince.

This incident occurred when Markle was romantically involved with , whom she later married.

According to Kechiazzolina, Markle and her handler arrived 20 minutes early for their reservation and were invited to have a drink at the bar with other guests.

However, the situation took a turn when the handler became visibly upset, demanding a private area for them to wait.

The former maitre d' recalls Markle remaining silent and distant while her representative spoke on her behalf, asserting their royal connection.

Despite the handler's insistence, Kechiazzolina informed them that there were no private tables available.

In his book, he reflects on his initial reaction to the request, admitting that he found the situation rather amusing.

He emphasizes that the restaurant regularly hosts influential individuals, implying that the presence of 's date did not warrant special treatment.

Following their relocation to the United States, speculations arose about and Prince Harry expanding their family.

While some sources hinted at the couple's openness to the idea of having another child, royal commentator Kinsey Schofield expressed skepticism.

Schofield highlighted the couple's limited circle of trust and suggested that a third child might not align with Harry's previous commitment to limit their family size for environmental reasons.

Moreover, Schofield referenced Prince Harry's past statements regarding climate change and family planning, noting his previous pledge to have a maximum of two children.

She pointed out that adding another child could potentially strain the couple's already delicate relationships, especially considering their estrangement from royal relatives.

Schofield emphasized the importance of the Sussexes maintaining a sense of discretion amidst ongoing tensions.

In a recent outing in Montecito, Meghan Markle was spotted shopping at an upscale boutique, accompanied by a friend and a security guard driver.

Despite her previous experiences of feeling objectified during her “Deal or No Deal” days, Markle appeared content browsing luxury items at the boutique.

The store, known for its exclusivity and high price points, aligns with Markle's refined taste and preference for quality over quantity.

During her shopping excursion, Markle showcased her fashion flair, leaving the boutique with a noticeable bag in hand.

The luxurious establishment, which does not disclose its prices online and primarily offers gift cards ranging from $100 to $1,000, reflects the Duchess's affinity for sophistication and elegance.

While her past may have been marked by challenges and stereotypes, Markle's present choices exude confidence and sophistication in her personal style.

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