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Meghan Markle’s Fashion Fumbles: A Closer Look at Her Outfits

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Meghan Markle’s Fashion Fumbles: A Closer Look at Her Outfits

In the realm of royal fashion, often finds herself under scrutiny for her sartorial choices.

Today, we're diving into three of her most talked-about outfits to unpack what went wrong.

From questionable tailoring to misguided design choices, it seems that even a duchess can miss the mark when it comes to style.

Let's kick things off with the infamous zebra gown.

This piece has raised eyebrows for all the wrong reasons.

The fit is peculiar, with the collar being the only part that seems tailored.

The baggy arms and awkward stripe placements create an unflattering silhouette, making it look like a rushed project rather than a carefully curated dress.

Despite her lovely shoulder frame, the gown does little justice, instead camouflaging her posture and leaving her looking less than elegant.

Next up is Meghan's love for midsection ties.

While she may think they highlight her waist, they often do the opposite.

This detail draws attention to areas that could benefit from a different focus.

It's a style choice that seems to overshadow her natural beauty rather than enhance it.

Now, let's talk about the striking red gown, often dubbed the “superhero dress.”

Right off the bat, the chest area is alarming.

The design gives the unfortunate illusion that her breasts have migrated skyward, creating a bizarre visual effect.

One can't help but wonder if hidden microphones are the reason for this odd separation.

Alternatively, perhaps she's trying to channel a superhero vibe, with a cape-like skirt that hints at her and Harry's quest to save the world.

Then there's the Lion King premiere dress, which cost nearly $5,000.

You'd expect something spectacular for that price, right?

Unfortunately, this dress also misses the mark.

While the fabric and colors are stunning, the fit leaves much to be desired.

The bodice struggles to contain her figure, leading to an unflattering look that makes her appear broader than she is.

The seams hit her shoulders in all the wrong places, creating an uncomfortable illusion of tightness.

Commentary on Meghan's fashion choices has been fierce.

One observer noted how Catherine, the Princess of Wales, manages to make even affordable outfits look incredible.

The contrast is stark.

Catherine has evolved into a fashion icon, rarely missing her mark, while Meghan's choices often leave critics shaking their heads.

Another commentator suggested that Meghan seems to believe she knows better than her designers.

This attitude, they argue, extends to her interactions with family members, hinting at a fiery independence that sometimes borders on arrogance.

The speculation is that her strong opinions may alienate those around her, including seasoned professionals in the fashion industry.

The criticism doesn't stop there.

Some have pointed out that Meghan's style can swing dramatically from high couture to what looks like bargain bin finds.

This inconsistency raises questions about her fashion sensibility.

Was her acting career merely a stepping stone, or did it shape her understanding of style?

One particularly colorful comment described her as “part woman, part flamingo, all horror show,” encapsulating the mixed reactions to her wardrobe choices.

It's clear that her fashion decisions evoke strong emotions, both positive and negative.

As we sift through these critiques, it's evident that 's fashion journey is fraught with ups and downs.

While she undoubtedly has her fans, the question remains: does she need a new stylist?

With so much potential in her wardrobe, one can only hope for a more harmonious relationship between her outfits and her figure in the future.

Fashion is a tricky game, especially in the public eye.

Meghan Markle continues to navigate this landscape, often finding herself at the center of heated debates.

Whether she'll take the feedback to heart remains to be seen, but for now, her fashion fumbles provide plenty of fodder for discussion.

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