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**Meghan Markle’s Email Scandal Unveiled by Angela Levin**

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**Meghan Markle’s Email Scandal Unveiled by Angela Levin**

Criticism was aimed at as she faced accusations of conveniently forgetting crucial emails that surfaced during a court hearing.

Despite vehemently denying any involvement in the creation of the controversial biography, “Finding Freedom,” emails presented in court indicated that Meghan and extensively briefed their press spokesman before meetings with the book's authors.

Royal biographer Angela Levin highlighted Meghan's meticulous nature, emphasizing that such attention to detail makes it hard to believe she would forget significant details that could impact her image and relationships within the royal family.

In a surprising turn of events, Meghan publicly apologized to the Court of Appeal for failing to disclose the existence of these emails earlier during her ongoing legal battle against the Mail on Sunday.

She admitted to not recalling the exchanges at the time and expressed regret for the oversight.

The revelation that Meghan had crafted detailed notes and reminders for her senior aide further underscored her meticulous approach to communication and information sharing.

Angela Levin pointed out that even the minutiae of Meghan's instructions reflected her desire for precision and control over the narrative.

Acknowledging that her press spokesman did provide information to the authors of “Finding Freedom,” Meghan seemed to downplay the significance of this new evidence emerging in court.

However, Angela Levin warned that the details disclosed by the former aide could have serious repercussions for Meghan's case against the Mail on Sunday.

The biographer criticized Meghan for seemingly dismissing the gravity of the situation and urged her to address the mounting concerns raised by palace aides and court testimonies.

Describing the unfolding events as “extraordinary,” Angela Levin expressed astonishment at the shift in protocol where palace aides were now willing to share their perspectives on Meghan and Harry's actions.

Previously adhering to the Queen's principle of not engaging in public disputes, palace staff are now breaking their silence to challenge what they perceive as unfair portrayals by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

Levin suggested that Meghan's attempts to discredit Mr. Knauf's testimony could damage her credibility significantly in the eyes of the court and the public.

Levin further commented on Meghan's determination to emerge victorious in her legal battles, noting her aversion to defeat and her relentless pursuit of success.

Despite facing mounting challenges and scrutiny, Meghan's insistence on pushing forward without heeding advice or considering the implications of her actions could potentially backfire.

The list of talking points that Meghan provided to her aide for sharing with the authors of “Finding Freedom” revealed her efforts to shape the narrative surrounding her strained relationships with her family and the media's portrayal of her life events.

The revelations emerging from the court proceedings shed light on Meghan's strategic approach to managing her public image and controlling the narrative surrounding her personal life.

As the legal battle intensifies and more details come to light, Meghan's credibility and reputation hang in the balance.

Angela Levin's critical assessment of Meghan's handling of the situation underscores the high stakes involved and the potential repercussions of her actions.

The Duchess's reluctance to acknowledge the gravity of the evidence presented against her may prove to be a costly misstep in her quest for justice and vindication.

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