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Meghan Markle’s Controversial Comments Spark Outrage in Latest Podcast

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Meghan Markle’s Controversial Comments Spark Outrage in Latest Podcast

In the latest episode of her podcast, “Archetypes,” stirred up quite the controversy.

This time, she tackled the topic of s–ual double standards, but her comments have left many feeling unsettled.

During her conversation with acclaimed writer Candice Boeschel, known for her iconic “s– and the City” column, Markle ventured into the murky waters of s–ual reputation, dropping the term “slut” and expressing a lack of understanding about the bimbo reclamation movement.

Listeners were quick to notice the irony in Markle's statements.

Despite discussing the stigma surrounding women's s–ual histories, she has been accused of slut-shaming her half-sister, Samantha Markle.

A user on Quora pointed out that Meghan had previously attempted to tarnish Samantha's image, which raises questions about her sincerity in addressing the very issues she claims to champion.

The drama escalated when it was revealed that Meghan assisted journalist Omid Scobie in writing “Finding Freedom,” a biography that has drawn significant scrutiny.

Initially, Meghan denied her involvement, but evidence, including emails and texts, contradicted her claims.

It turns out that she provided Scobie with briefing notes intended to shape his narrative about her past and family dynamics.

Unfortunately, these notes seem to contain misleading information, particularly regarding her sister.

One notable claim in the briefing notes suggested that Samantha had three children from three different fathers.

In reality, Samantha has been married twice, and both of her ex-husbands are the fathers of her children.

This kind of insinuation appears to serve no purpose other than to shame her sister, painting her as someone who has had unstable relationships.

Moreover, Meghan's comments about women facing judgment for their s–ual history seem somewhat hollow, given her own actions.

She lamented how women's achievements are often overshadowed by derogatory labels, yet she herself has contributed to this narrative by publicly criticizing her sister.

This contradiction has not gone unnoticed by critics, who argue that the real issue lies with women who allow themselves to be shamed for choices that are not inherently shameful.

Adding fuel to the fire, Samantha is currently suing Meghan for defamation over the contentious briefing notes sent back in 2018.

The ongoing legal battle highlights the strained relationship between the sisters, further complicating Meghan's stance on female empowerment and solidarity.

Social media erupted in response to Meghan's latest podcast episode.

Royal fans expressed their outrage, questioning how she could label her sister in such a derogatory manner while having her own questionable past.

One comment read, “How can she say her sister was or is a slut?” referencing Meghan's own history as a briefcase model on “Deal or No Deal,” where she was often dressed provocatively.

Critics have not held back, with some branding Meghan as hypocritical.

Comments like “the pot calling the kettle black” and accusations of being an “absolute disgrace” reflect a growing sentiment among listeners who feel disillusioned by her remarks.

Many have vowed to boycott her content, claiming they refuse to support someone they view as lacking integrity.

As the backlash continues, it's clear that Meghan's attempt to engage in a meaningful discussion about women's experiences has backfired.

Instead of fostering dialogue, her comments have reignited old wounds and sparked heated debates about her credibility and intentions.

With the penultimate episode now behind her, Meghan finds herself at a crossroads.

The question remains whether she will address the criticism head-on or continue down the path of controversy that seems to follow her.

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