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**Meghan Markle’s Controversial Christmas Card Plans Spark Outrage**

Photos: GETTY

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**Meghan Markle’s Controversial Christmas Card Plans Spark Outrage**

Sources have disclosed that is considering photoshopping a Christmas card featuring the late Queen and her daughter , stirring up fresh controversy following her previous clashes with the royal family.

According to insider information, there are indications that two versions of may appear on the upcoming card, hinting at a potentially provocative move by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

For those unfamiliar, Lilibet was a childhood moniker used by II herself when she struggled to articulate her full name as a young child.

Meghan and Harry chose to honor this legacy by naming their own daughter after the beloved queen.

However, critics argue that Meghan's alleged plan to include Lilibet in a photo alongside the late Queen is a step too far, questioning the appropriateness of such a gesture.

The rumored decision to digitally insert into the family portrait has sparked outrage among royal enthusiasts and commentators alike.

Many are speculating on whether the image will depict a fictional meeting between Lilibet and her great-grandmother or if advanced editing techniques will be employed to create a deceptive impression of a genuine encounter.

Recent reports suggest that tensions between the Sussexes and the royal family escalated in the months leading up to the late Queen's passing, with claims emerging that Queen Elizabeth had rebuffed Harry and Meghan's request for a staged meeting between Lilibet and herself.

Despite their return to the UK for the Platinum Jubilee festivities, the couple's desire for a formal introduction between the Queen and Lilibet reportedly went unfulfilled.

The Sun reported that Harry and Meghan had sought to document the supposed meeting with a private photographer present, only to have their request denied by palace officials citing concerns over potential exploitation of the images for media purposes.

This denial further fueled the ongoing rift between the Sussexes and the royal establishment, culminating in Meghan's alleged plans for a manipulated Christmas card featuring the late Queen.

Critics argue that such a move would not only exploit the memory of Queen Elizabeth but also perpetuate the narrative of discord between the Sussexes and the royal family.

Harry, already under scrutiny for involving the Queen in his legal battles over security arrangements, faces additional backlash over the perceived insensitivity of incorporating her image in a holiday greeting.

The contentious nature of Meghan and Harry's relationship with the monarchy continues to draw attention, with each new development reigniting debates over respect, tradition, and personal boundaries.

As the holiday season approaches, the prospect of a manipulated Christmas card featuring the late Queen Elizabeth II raises questions about propriety, authenticity, and the ongoing saga of the Sussexes' strained ties with the royal household.

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