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Meghan Markle’s College Claims Under Fire: A Family Feud Unfolds

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Meghan Markle’s College Claims Under Fire: A Family Feud Unfolds

In recent developments, finds herself in hot water regarding her educational background.

Allegations have surfaced suggesting that the Duchess of Sussex misrepresented her college experience, specifically concerning her claims of a double major in communications and international studies.

The controversy ignited after a Reddit user, Paula M., reached out to Northwestern University, where Meghan graduated in 2003.

The university confirmed that it does not offer a double major in theatre and international studies, casting doubt on Meghan's assertions.

Further investigation ensued as royal enthusiasts dove into the details of Meghan's academic history.

According to a Quora post by user, Meghan holds a single Bachelor's degree in communications from Northwestern, not a dual degree as she has claimed.

This revelation adds fuel to the fire, especially considering Meghan's narrative of being the most educated and intelligent royal since her marriage to .

Critics argue that she has been using her platform to undermine , who boasts a more extensive educational background and is a self-made millionaire.

Adding to the controversy, Meghan's statement about funding her own college education has come under scrutiny.

During a visit to the University of South Pacific in Fiji in 2019, she spoke about how scholarships, financial aid, and work-study programs helped her pay for her tuition.

However, her father, Thomas Markle, has publicly disputed this claim.

He insists that he covered every penny of her college expenses, including her internship in Buenos Aires and trips abroad.

Thomas Markle's statements have sparked further debate among family members.

He expressed his frustration, saying, “Meghan's comments about paying her way through college are offensive to me.” He emphasized that he fulfilled his responsibilities as a father and will continue to speak out against any inaccuracies regarding his support for Meghan's education.

Samantha Markle, Meghan's half-sister, also weighed in on the matter, taking to social media to criticize Meghan's narrative.

In a since-deleted tweet, she asserted that their father was the sole financier of Meghan's education, labeling her sister's claims as “outrageous lies.” Samantha demanded proof of any scholarships Meghan may have received, stating, “Let's see proof of scholarships and grants.

Dad paid for her education, all of it.”

Thomas Markle Jr., Meghan's half-brother, echoed similar sentiments, accusing Meghan of fabricating her story during a public speaking engagement.

He recalled a moment when Meghan claimed that hard work and discipline enabled her to finance her university tuition.

“That was just a straight-out lie,” he declared, emphasizing that their father was the one who footed the bill for her education.

The Markle family's public disputes have drawn significant media attention, with many wondering how these revelations will impact Meghan's public image.

As the Duchess of Sussex continues to navigate her role in the royal family, the resurfacing of these claims raises questions about authenticity and transparency.

Critics argue that Meghan's attempts to portray herself as a self-made individual might be overshadowed by these allegations.

The stark contrast between her proclaimed independence and her family's assertions could lead to a reevaluation of her narrative among supporters and detractors alike.

As the dust settles on this unfolding drama, it remains to be seen how Meghan will respond to these allegations.

Will she clarify her statements or allow the controversy to linger?

One thing is clear: the Markle family's saga is far from over, and the public is watching closely.

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