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**Meghan Markle’s Clever Coffee Comedy: A Roast Gone Awry**

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**Meghan Markle’s Clever Coffee Comedy: A Roast Gone Awry**

In a surprising turn of events, found herself at the center of attention for all the wrong reasons as she attempted to showcase her comedic flair in a Clever Coffee advertisement.

The decision left many scratching their heads and questioning Meghan's motives, leading to a wave of confusion and speculation among fans and critics alike.

As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that Meghan's involvement in the Clever Coffee ad was not a spur-of-the-moment decision.

Back in 2020, Meghan and had thrown their support behind the brand, with even endorsing it as her favorite coffee.

However, Meghan's return to the brand raised eyebrows and prompted questions about her true intentions.

According to insider sources, Meghan saw the Clever Coffee ad as an opportunity to inject some humor into her public image and divert attention from recent controversies surrounding her and .

As a shareholder in the brand, Meghan was granted the green light to participate in the advertisement, which she personally conceptualized and orchestrated.

Despite the efforts to spin the narrative in a positive light, the response to Meghan's Clever Coffee ad fell short of expectations.

While the website saw increased traffic and brand awareness, actual sales figures remained lackluster.

Some speculated that the ad may have been a strategic move to boost holiday season sales, but the results were far from spectacular.

Critics pointed out that Meghan's attempt to portray herself as a fun-loving intern packing coffee bags echoed a similar misstep from her past endeavors.

The comparison to previous missteps only served to further dent Meghan's credibility and provide fodder for satirical shows like Saturday Night Live, which reportedly have plans to lampoon the ad.

Interestingly, Prince Harry's absence from the Clever Coffee ad raised eyebrows, with reports indicating that he had opted out of the project, deeming it unsuitable for his image.

This decision underscored the diverging paths taken by the royal couple in their post-royal life, with Meghan taking more risks and facing the consequences head-on.

As the dust settles on Meghan's ill-fated foray into comedy, one thing remains clear: the Clever Coffee ad may have backfired in terms of its intended impact.

While Meghan sought to inject levity into her public persona, the end result only served to highlight the challenges she faces in balancing her celebrity status with her newfound roles and responsibilities.

Time will tell if Meghan can bounce back from this setback and reclaim her standing in the public eye.

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