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**Meghan Markle’s Bridesmaid Dress Controversy Unveiled**

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**Meghan Markle’s Bridesmaid Dress Controversy Unveiled**

The individual responsible for the controversial modifications to 's bridesmaid dresses has broken his silence following the release of A.J.

Merry's memoir, where he divulges details about .

In an exclusive interview with the Daily Mail published on Tuesday, Mercury addressed the allegations against Meghan, dismissing them as falsehoods and asserting that she exhibited diva-like behavior towards the seamstress and her team.

According to Mercury, Meghan adamantly opposed having Charlotte and George in the wedding party, but Charles and the Queen insisted on their inclusion due to their relationship with Harry and their financial contributions to the event.

Notably, Meghan did not foot the bill for the dress, as it was covered by Charles, and her indecisiveness regarding the dress and veil design led to last-minute adjustments, resulting in ill-fitting attire.

The working conditions under Meghan's supervision were described as stringent and demanding, with staff members facing long hours and harsh criticism.

Despite their efforts to meet her expectations, Meghan frequently expressed dissatisfaction with their work, prompting them to start anew repeatedly.

One incident involved Meghan allegedly slapping a staff member during a fitting session, despite their adherence to her initial design preferences.

The overall sentiment among the staff was that Meghan derived pleasure from treating them as subordinates and subjecting them to constant belittlement.

Consequently, they bestowed nicknames upon her, such as “Duchess Meddlesome” and “Miss Snobby,” reflecting their discontent with her behavior and management style.

Meghan's strained relationships extended beyond her interactions with the staff, as she reportedly harbored animosity towards Charlotte, whom she reluctantly included as a bridesmaid.

Meghan's disparaging remarks and mockery towards Charlotte, particularly regarding her appearance and demeanor, led to emotional distress for the young girl.

Furthermore, Meghan allegedly fostered a divisive atmosphere between Charlotte and Ivy Marone, Jessica's daughter, favoring the latter and encouraging hostility towards Charlotte.

This dynamic culminated in Charlotte being excluded from dress fittings due to mistreatment by Meghan, resulting in inaccuracies in her dress measurements.

The tension surrounding the bridesmaids' attire was exacerbated by Meghan's refusal to accommodate the children's comfort preferences, particularly concerning their footwear.

Despite objections from the British-born flower girls and their parents regarding the uncomfortable shoes, Meghan insisted on eschewing tights or socks, attributing their discomfort to excessive pampering.

The discord over the attire underscored deeper issues within the bridal party, with rumors circulating about the strained relationships among the key figures involved.

The revelations shed light on the tumultuous behind-the-scenes dynamics of 's wedding preparations, highlighting the challenges faced by those involved in executing her vision amidst conflicting priorities and interpersonal conflicts.

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