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**Meghan Markle’s Birthday Plans Fall Apart as A-listers Snub Invitation**

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**Meghan Markle’s Birthday Plans Fall Apart as A-listers Snub Invitation**

, the Duchess of Sussex, faced a birthday disappointment as her grand party plans were abruptly canceled due to a lack of acceptance from A-list celebrities.

Celebrating her 46th birthday, Meghan had meticulously organized a lavish soiree, only to have her hopes dashed when none of her high-profile invitees, including Katy Perry, , and Ellen DeGeneres, accepted her invitation.

According to reports from New Idea, Meghan had invested weeks in planning the event, hoping for a star-studded celebration.

However, her excitement turned to dismay when it became evident that her guests had declined to attend.

This rejection echoed a similar sentiment from her 40th birthday, where her initiative 40×40 failed to gain significant traction on social media.

On her previous milestone birthday, Meghan had launched the 40×40 project, aiming to encourage 40 influential women to donate 40 minutes of their time to support women re-entering the workforce.

Despite her efforts to rally support from her celebrity circle, the impact fell short of expectations, with only a limited number of public accounts sharing her message.

In a bid to salvage her birthday celebrations this year, Meghan had urged her fans to participate by sharing a pre-made Instagram post featuring the hashtags #40×40 and #CompassionInAction.

The accompanying artwork displayed a poignant message calling for collective action towards compassion and positive change.

Following the lackluster response to her campaign, Meghan found herself embroiled in further scrutiny after a comical incident during a virtual appearance with actress Melissa McCarthy.

Attempting to portray herself as hard at work, Meghan was caught kissing a blank computer screen, inadvertently revealing her oversight in forgetting to activate the laptop.

This recent setback adds to a series of disappointments for Meghan and , who reportedly had to cancel a lavish Independence Day party at their residence.

Allegedly reacting to criticisms and speculations surrounding their work ethic, the couple called off the festivities just days after facing backlash from Spotify and amid concerns about their future relationship with Netflix.

Sources close to the couple revealed that elaborate preparations had been made for the party, with gazebos set up on the grounds of their home in anticipation of a grand celebration.

However, mounting pressures and doubts about their commitment to their partnerships led Meghan to opt for a more subdued approach, signaling a shift in their public image.

As rumors swirl about the couple's professional endeavors and the potential fallout with streaming platforms, Meghan's decision to forego the birthday festivities underscores a strategic pivot towards safeguarding their reputation and securing their future collaborations.

Amidst the uncertainties and challenges they face, Meghan and Harry navigate a delicate balance between public perception and personal aspirations.

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