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**Meghan Markle’s Baby Doll Scandal Unveiled**

Photos: GETTY

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**Meghan Markle’s Baby Doll Scandal Unveiled**

A director has come forward with shocking revelations about 's questionable behavior surrounding her supposed pregnancy.

Apart from the ongoing news of the Sussexes' divorce and failed contracts, suspicions regarding Meghan's pregnancy have resurfaced on social media platforms.

Experts and real mothers have shed light on details that cast doubt on Meghan's claims of motherhood.

The director disclosed that Meghan was seen at a polo match carrying a lifelike doll, similar to those used as props on film sets.

During a polo match attended by , Meghan arrived wearing a conspicuous dark green tent dress.

She paraded around with a doll cradled against her chest, a doll that did not move or make any sounds for hours.

Witnesses noted her lack of typical baby-care accessories such as a stroller, hat, or baby bag.

She did not feed the doll, change its diaper, or allow anyone else to interact with it, giving the impression of a devoted mother.

However, onlookers were left in disbelief by the unnatural scene.

The anonymous director revealed that the doll Meghan carried was incredibly realistic, resembling a prop used in films.

He explained that newborns have distinct features such as colored cheeks, uneven pigmentation, baby fat, and skin wrinkles, none of which were present on the doll.

This revelation raised further doubts about Meghan's claims of motherhood.

Adding to the controversy, Meghan traveled solo to New York City to attend the United States Tennis Open, leaving behind the infant she claimed to be breastfeeding.

Photos from the event showed Meghan looking far from a concerned mother, instead appearing distracted and disheveled.

The Williams family reportedly distanced themselves from Meghan, possibly attributing her presence to Serena's subsequent loss.

Speculations arose regarding the royal family's involvement in a potential cover-up of Meghan's actions.

However, it was noted that disclosing the use of a surrogate would breach private medical information laws.

The responsibility to verify the eligibility of individuals in the line of succession falls on the UK government, making it prudent for the royal family to defer to governmental protocols.

In the UK, surrogates are legally bound to wait at least six weeks before consenting to give up a child.

This regulation explains why Meghan and Harry resorted to using a doll during 's public debut, as he had likely been born earlier than officially announced.

Observers pointed out discrepancies in 's appearance, suggesting he appeared older than his stated age, raising further questions about the authenticity of Meghan's pregnancy claims.

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