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**Meghan Markle’s Alleged Wallis Simpson Obsession Raises Eyebrows**

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**Meghan Markle’s Alleged Wallis Simpson Obsession Raises Eyebrows**

Millions of royal enthusiasts were captivated as and bid farewell during their enchanting wedding at St George's Chapel back in 2018.

While the spotlight shone on the Duchess of Sussex's elegant silk Givenchy wedding dress, another element caught the eye – the Rolls-Royce selected to transport the bride to the ceremony.

The maroon Phantom Four, which carried Meghan and her mother Doria Ragland from Cliveden House Hotel to St George's Chapel, had a fascinating history.

This very car had ferried another American divorcee, the Duchess of Windsor, to her husband's funeral in 1972, raising questions about the significance of this choice.

The Duchess of Windsor, Wallis Simpson, a central figure in the abdication crisis, may not have been the most flattering comparison.

Speculation arose when Sebastian Shakespeare of The Daily Mail questioned whether Meghan's decision was perhaps in poor taste.

Palace Courtiers revealed that Meghan had orchestrated this particular car for the Sussexes, hinting at a potentially ominous message – a suggestion that her marriage to Harry might not be a happy one.

Rumors swirled, insinuating that Meghan's motives for the marriage were driven by ambition for status and wealth rather than love, hinting at an impending breakup and divorce.

Furthermore, Meghan's apparent emulation of Wallis Simpson's style choices raised eyebrows.

From the bird-themed outfit worn during the Oprah interview to the long red necktie donned for a global citizen speech, Meghan's fashion statements seemed to echo those of Simpson.

However, the question lingered – did Meghan fail to grasp that Wallis Simpson was not a figure revered by the public?

While initially perceived as a romantic tale of love leading to sacrifice, the narrative surrounding the Duke and Duchess of Windsor soured over time.

The Duchess's final years, marked by rumors of a coma following a risky facelift, painted a less-than-glamorous picture.

Critics accused Meghan of fabricating a parallel between herself and Wallis Simpson to enhance her own status and prestige.

By associating herself with women married to powerful monarchs, Meghan sought to elevate her social standing to new heights.

Her alleged desire to tour former colonies in Africa and present herself as a trailblazing figure, claiming a significant African heritage, drew skepticism.

The stark contrast between Meghan and Wallis lay in Meghan's purported request for royal privileges, including housing, security, and financial support – a move not mirrored by the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.

Reflecting on history, Wallis and Edward's controversial marriage in 1937, which led to Edward's abdication and the subsequent ascension of King George VI, remains a point of contention within the royal family.

The absence of senior royals at their wedding marked the beginning of a rift that endured through the years.

The blame for the family discord and its toll on George VI's health was often placed on the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, highlighting the lasting impact of their union on British royalty.

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