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**Meghan Markle’s Alleged Strategy of Distancing from Prince Harry Sparks Debate**

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**Meghan Markle’s Alleged Strategy of Distancing from Prince Harry Sparks Debate**

In a recent interview with royal commentator Angela Levin, shocking claims have emerged regarding 's alleged gradual distancing from .

Levin suggested that Markle's actions indicate a lack of support for her husband during his challenging times.

These revelations were unveiled during Levin's exclusive interview with Bella magazine, where she expressed concerns about 's future amidst emotional turmoil.

Levin accused of not providing the necessary support for Prince Harry, contradicting the expectation of unwavering spousal support.

Her worries are fueled by the recent hardships Prince Harry has faced, including the loss of and , as well as the impending responsibilities of his coronation.

Being an experienced biographer, Levin's apprehensions about Harry's future hold weight.

According to Levin, Meghan Markle is strategically distancing herself from Prince Harry gradually, cutting ties little by little to avoid drawing attention to her actions.

These statements have sparked a heated debate among royal watchers and the public, with many questioning the validity of Levin's claims and speculating on Markle's true intentions.

Supporters of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry argue that their actions, including moving to the U.S. and advocating for environmental causes, reflect their pursuit of independence and a different life path.

They believe Markle's distancing from royal duties may be a natural progression towards personal and professional fulfillment.

However, skeptics suggest that Levin's allegations cannot be easily dismissed, emphasizing the importance of communication and support in a marriage, especially with royal responsibilities at play.

As discussions unfold in the coming weeks and months, more details and opinions regarding Meghan's alleged strategy are expected to surface.

The evolving dynamics of Meghan and Harry's relationship will undoubtedly shape public perceptions of their marriage.

The ongoing intrigue surrounding the couple continues to capture global interest, ensuring that their story remains a captivating subject for years to come.

What are your thoughts on Meghan Markle's gradual distancing from Prince Harry?

Do you perceive it as a strategic move or driven by personal aspirations for independence?

Share your opinions in the comments as we delve deeper into the realm of royal news and analysis in the next update.

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