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**Meghan Markle’s Alleged Fake Pregnancy Bump Sparks Controversy**

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**Meghan Markle’s Alleged Fake Pregnancy Bump Sparks Controversy**

A growing number of individuals are raising doubts about the authenticity of 's pregnancy bump, speculating that it may have been a fake.

The speculation suggests that Markle could have been using a moonbump product to feign pregnancy, potentially to conceal the possibility of the couple using a surrogate.

Reports emerged claiming that during her visit to Morocco with , observers noticed what appeared to be a prosthetic belly under Markle's dress.

Despite allegedly being seven months pregnant at the time, many assert that her belly looked noticeably unnatural, with some even pointing out its square shape.

This has led to widespread skepticism regarding Markle's pregnancy.

Critics argue that unlike most pregnant women who exhibit physical signs such as a curved lower back, Markle did not display any of these typical characteristics.

They claim that throughout her supposed pregnancy, she never appeared to experience common pregnancy symptoms, such as shortness of breath or discomfort.

Additionally, observers noted that her belly size seemed inconsistent, appearing smaller than expected based on previous months.

These discrepancies have fueled suspicions that Markle's pregnancy might have been fabricated.

In a separate incident, faced criticism for allegedly breaching royal protocol during a visit to Morocco in February 2019.

Accompanied by , Markle was photographed arriving at the Moroccan royal family's residence in Rabat to meet Crown Prince Moulay Hassan.

A TikTok video capturing the moment garnered significant attention, amassing over 8.4 million views.

The footage highlighted Markle's deviation from the traditional red carpet path followed by royals, suggesting a breach of protocol.

Observers pointed out how Markle appeared to be directed away from the red carpet, signaling a departure from customary royal etiquette.

Despite wearing a striking red Valentino dress, Markle's actions raised eyebrows as she was seen walking alongside the red carpet rather than on it.

Subsequent images showed her engaging with the Crown Prince and participating in red carpet events at other locations during the Morocco tour.

While some social media users questioned her behavior, Hello magazine provided an explanation, stating that Prince Harry's solo inspection of the guard of honor necessitated Markle's absence from the red carpet.

This clarification aimed to dispel any misconceptions surrounding Markle's actions during the official engagement.

Critics of Markle have not shied away from expressing their skepticism about her behavior and motives.

Accusations of narcissism and dishonesty have been leveled against her, with some labeling her alleged fake pregnancies as attention-seeking tactics.

The ongoing rumors surrounding Markle's pregnancies, coupled with her purported reluctance to address them directly, have fueled further speculation.

Critics suggest that Markle's desire for her children to hold royal titles may have influenced her decisions, despite her public statements about disregarding such privileges.

The controversy surrounding Markle's actions continues to attract attention and debate within royal circles and beyond.

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