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Meghan Markle’s Alleged Bullying of Princess Charlotte Sparks Controversy

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Meghan Markle’s Alleged Bullying of Princess Charlotte Sparks Controversy

Rumors are swirling again about 's behavior towards young , particularly during the recent funeral events.

Eyewitness accounts suggest that Meghan attempted to chastise little Charlotte, shushing her after Prince George reportedly teased her.

This moment of tension drew the attention of many, including Princess Catherine, who instinctively moved Charlotte closer to her side for comfort.

The situation escalated when observers noted that , the Queen Consort, shot what could only be described as daggers in Meghan's direction.

As the royal family participated in the walkabout at the funeral, it seemed that Princess Catherine was ready to defend her children, while Meghan found herself positioned at a distance from the main family unit, clearly separated from the action.

This decision to keep Meghan away became even more pronounced when and Meghan were seen leaving for Sandringham separately from the rest of the family.

The apparent desire to avoid any public scrutiny during such a significant moment of grief raises eyebrows, suggesting that they wanted to limit Meghan's presence, which some have labeled as a betrayal.

In an awkward car ride, Meghan was placed next to Princess Sophie, but her demeanor did not go unnoticed.

Eyewitnesses remarked on how Meghan clung to the door, casting forlorn looks that seemed almost desperate.

There were whispers that if she stepped out of line, Sophie wouldn't hesitate to put her in check.

The narrative of Meghan as a bully has gained traction, especially in light of past incidents.

A video analysis by a body language expert highlighted a moment from a wedding where Meghan's demeanor changed drastically upon seeing Charlotte.

Her once bright smile vanished, leading many to speculate about the underlying tensions.

Critics argue that Meghan's actions indicate a pattern of bullying behavior, which they claim is widely recognized.

Investigative journalist Tom Bauer has been vocal about this, asserting that her temper and bitterness are well-known traits.

He suggests that her history of making those around her uncomfortable or upset is not just hearsay but a documented fact.

Bauer's book delves into Meghan's interactions with royal aides, whom she reportedly referred to disdainfully as “servants” and “slaves.”

This alarming characterization raises questions about her treatment of those within the royal household and her perceived superiority over them.

One particularly distressing incident involved during a bridesmaid fitting for Harry and Meghan's wedding.

Reports indicate that Meghan's insistence on specific dress standards caused the Duchess of Cambridge to break down in tears.

The length of Charlotte's dress, which did not adhere to royal protocol, became a point of contention.

Catherine's concerns about the dress were rooted in her desire to protect Charlotte from discomfort, as the shoes were likely to cause blisters.

However, Meghan's refusal to compromise only heightened tensions during an already stressful time.

Photographic evidence from the royal wedding has led many to comment on the inadequacies of Charlotte's attire, further fueling the narrative that Meghan's decisions were misguided.

Bauer also mentions how Meghan compared Charlotte unfavorably to Isabel Mulroney, another flower girl, intensifying the rivalry between the two families.

As these allegations continue to circulate, it's clear that Meghan's behavior is under intense scrutiny.

With the royal family's reputation at stake, it seems inevitable that the consequences of her actions will remain a topic of discussion for the foreseeable future.

The dynamics within the royal family have become increasingly complex, and Meghan's role in this drama is one that many are keenly observing.

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