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Meghan Markle: The Royal Family’s Controversial Outsider

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Meghan Markle: The Royal Family’s Controversial Outsider

In a recent wave of discussions surrounding , opinions have sharply divided.

Critics are labeling her as a “rotten human being,” claiming she harbors jealousy towards young royals like Prince George, , and .

This sentiment stems from the belief that Markle, with her bombastic personality, considers herself the best thing to ever happen to the British royal family.

It seems she has convinced her husband, , to buy into this narrative as well.

Their Netflix docuseries has only fueled this perception, showcasing their self-centered views.

Many believe they lack an understanding of royal hierarchy, with Meghan particularly envious of the titles held by her royal relatives.

Unlike her children, and , who do not possess royal titles, Meghan appears to struggle with her status within the family.

One notable moment from the docuseries was Meghan's account of her first meeting with Catherine, the Princess of Wales.

Meghan described the encounter as awkward, attributing it to her affectionate nature clashing with Catherine's more reserved demeanor as a member of the royal family.

This contrast highlighted the cultural differences between Meghan's open approach and the traditional formality often associated with British royals.

However, recent public appearances challenge Meghan's claims about royal behavior.

Just last week, members of the royal family were spotted engaging in warm embraces at the Together at Christmas carol service held at Westminster Abbey.

and Catherine were seen with their children, George and Charlotte, while shared affectionate hugs with his grandkids, proving that public displays of affection are not entirely absent from royal life.

ITV Royal Editor Chris Ship commented on the event, noting the royal family's display of unity and warmth.

He suggested that the hugs exchanged during the service contradicted Meghan's assertions about British attitudes toward physical affection.

It raises questions about whether Meghan's perspective is skewed or simply misinformed.

Critics argue that Meghan's jealousy extends beyond titles.

They assert that she has always been envious of anyone ranked higher than Harry in the line of succession.

Despite her awareness of the monarchy's structure, it seems she believed that popularity could somehow alter her position.

The reality check came when the Queen, having ruled for 65 years, made it clear that the crown would not be passed based on public favor.

This dynamic has led to speculation about Meghan's feelings towards , who, as a blood princess, holds a status that Markle cannot attain.

Observers suggest that Meghan's resentment might stem from her inability to accept her place within the royal family.

Furthermore, it appears that the Queen Consort, the Princess of Wales, and the Countess of Wessex have taken measures to protect Charlotte and George from any potential negativity stemming from Meghan.

This protective instinct among senior royals underscores the ongoing tension surrounding Markle's role in the family.

As public interest in this royal drama continues to grow, many are left wondering how Meghan will navigate her relationship with the monarchy moving forward.

Will she find a way to reconcile her ambitions with the realities of royal life?

Or will the friction only deepen as she grapples with her perceived shortcomings?

The unfolding story of serves as a reminder of the complexities within the royal family and the challenges faced by those who step into its spotlight.

Whether viewed as a misunderstood outsider or a contentious figure, Meghan's narrative remains one of intrigue and controversy.

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