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Meghan Markle: The Fall from Feminist Grace

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Meghan Markle: The Fall from Feminist Grace

's journey post-royalty has sparked sharp criticism, particularly from royal expert Daniela Elsa.

In her recent column for Australia, Elsa argues that the Duchess of Sussex has failed to embody the feminist icon she once aspired to be.

Since stepping away from her royal duties, Meghan's actions—or lack thereof—have left many questioning her impact as a global role model.

Elsa reflects on Meghan's brief tenure as a working royal, highlighting her notable contributions during official visits to South Africa and Morocco.

These trips focused heavily on gender equality and showcased what many hoped would be a transformative role for the duchess.

However, following ‘Megxit', the narrative took a different turn, leading to disappointment among those who anticipated a more profound commitment to feminist ideals.

The columnist suggests that Meghan's high-profile interview with , where she aired grievances about her husband's family, doesn't quite fit the mold of a feminist revolutionary.

While some view her departure from the royal family as a courageous stand against an antiquated institution, Elsa argues that merely discussing personal grievances does not equate to significant activism.

Moreover, Elsa posits that Meghan's previous work within the royal family continues to overshadow her current endeavors.

Despite being slated to receive the 2023 Women of Vision award from renowned feminist Gloria Steinem next month, critics are skeptical of the merit behind such accolades.

Kirsten Fleming, writing for the New York Post, voices concerns about Meghan's contributions, pointing out that recent tax filings reveal she and logged only one hour of documented work per week for their Archewell Foundation in 2021.

Fleming humorously compares this meager commitment to the time it takes to watch a single episode of a soap opera.

She emphasizes that while Meghan portrays herself as a victim, she lives a life of luxury in Montecito, California, seemingly more focused on sharing family secrets with streaming platforms than on genuine philanthropic efforts.

The Miss Foundation, a Brooklyn-based organization, has praised Meghan as a champion of human rights and gender equity.

Yet, skepticism remains regarding the authenticity of such claims.

Critics argue that these honors often serve as mere publicity stunts, designed to boost profiles and raise funds rather than genuinely reflect one's contributions to society.

As a working royal, Meghan was often seen donning muted colors to avoid overshadowing senior royals.

Now, with a trophy collection that includes awards for her podcast and recognition for addressing racism within the royal family, the question arises: do these accolades hold any real weight?

Highlighting past controversies, Elsa recalls the infamous Oprah interview, where Meghan alleged a family member made comments about the skin tone of her son, .

Additionally, the duchess's claim of a secret wedding before her official ceremony was categorically denied by the Archbishop of Canterbury, adding to the skepticism surrounding her narratives.

Despite the accolades and ongoing media attention, critics like Fleming argue that Meghan's recent endeavors have been largely unremarkable.

The WHA Academy, which recognizes the most vocal complaints, appears to have found no competition for this year's award, suggesting that Meghan's public grievances have become somewhat of a spectacle.

Ultimately, while may still be celebrated by some as a feminist figure, the reality of her actions since leaving the royal family paints a different picture.

The gap between her potential and her current reality raises questions about the true impact of her celebrity status on the causes she once claimed to champion.

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