The News
Meghan Markle: The Duchess of Delusions Left Out of ‘Suits’ Spinoff
In a surprising twist that has everyone talking, Scott Davis has confirmed that Meghan Markle, the self-proclaimed Duchess of Delusions, has been left out of the upcoming ‘Suits' LA spinoff.
This revelation may not shock many, as it seems fitting that the only original cast member excluded from the new series is none other than Meghan herself.
The show, which aims to breathe new life into the legal drama genre with Stephen Aiel at the helm, appears to have no space for royal appearances or fading stars.
Let's be real here.
Meghan's role in the original ‘Suits' was about as memorable as a background tree in a high school production.
To suggest she was a star is akin to claiming that a water boy is the MVP of a football team.
As we watch Meghan and her ever-present partner, Harry, yearn for their past in Vancouver, one can't help but imagine them reminiscing about her fleeting moments on screen, delivering lines with all the enthusiasm of a telemarketer.
But wait, the plot thickens!
In a bid to reclaim some spotlight, Meghan has decided to launch a lifestyle brand that feels as innovative as a garden rake.
Dubbed American Riviera Orchard, this venture seems to be an uninspired cash grab.
It's marketed as a lifestyle brand, but honestly, it promotes little more than relentless self-promotion and a rather inflated sense of grandeur.
Just when you think it couldn't get any cringier, enter Netflix.
Reports suggest that Meghan is set to host a cooking show, because when you think of culinary brilliance, Meghan Markle is apparently the first name that comes to mind.
The public's reaction?
A mix of indifferent yawns and outright ridicule.
Meghan's attempt to carve out a niche in the branding world is as convincing as her acting skills—meaning, not convincing at all.
Public commentary has been harsh, with many questioning the viability of her brand and her seemingly insatiable desire for attention.
It feels like Meghan and Harry are on a mission to redefine mediocrity, leaving us all pondering when this relentless chase for relevance will finally cease.
In a delightful twist of irony, the royal website recently featured a photo of Meghan from her ‘Suits' days, which serves as a cheeky reminder of her minimal contributions to the acting sphere.
It's almost as if someone is gently nudging her, saying, “Remember this?
It all went downhill from here.”
As Meghan's character in ‘Suits' celebrated a day off that led to her downfall, one can't help but notice the parallel in her real-life career—a celebration of what never truly flourished.
The distinction?
In ‘Suits,' it was just a day; in reality, it appears to be shaping up as a Lifetime Achievement Award for unparalleled underachievement.
So, dear Meghan, perhaps it's time to reconsider your comeback efforts.
The world, much like the ‘Suits' LA spinoff, seems to have moved on without you.
And Harry, sweet Harry, let's hope you find a hobby that doesn't involve playing the eternal plus one to Meghan's continuous string of misadventures.