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**Meghan Markle Suspected of Wearing Covert Microphone During Service at St. Paul’s Cathedral**

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**Meghan Markle Suspected of Wearing Covert Microphone During Service at St. Paul’s Cathedral**

There are strong suspicions that may have been secretly wearing a microphone during a service at St. Paul's Cathedral.

Army veteran Trevor Coultham C. confidently asserts this claim, backed by his extensive network of contacts.

The evidence supporting Mr. Coultham's statement is largely circumstantial but compelling.

Observers noted that Meghan appeared to have a microphone concealed under the lapel of her coat, with a wire leading into her hat.

Throughout the event, she was seen fidgeting with something under her lapel, both upon arrival and during the service.

The presence of a hidden recording device could potentially explain the visible tension displayed by the royal family as they left the cathedral, giving the impression that they had received distressing news.

Furthermore, the sudden alteration to Harry and Meghan's schedule, including their absence from the post-service lunch and the Platinum Party in the evening, raises suspicions.

The lack of explanation for their unexpected withdrawals from these events, which they likely would have wanted to attend, adds to the intrigue.

The alleged use of a covert recording device, such as a microphone, also offers a possible explanation for Meghan's seemingly smug demeanor inside the church.

This behavior aligns with past incidents, including unauthorized recordings made within the palace upon her arrival and an incident at the UN building in New York where they were reprimanded for covert recording attempts.

Given their reported deal with Netflix, rumored to be worth between 50 and 100 million, the technical capability to deploy advanced surveillance equipment is within reach.

Concerns regarding potential covert recordings were reportedly raised during discussions about inviting the couple to the jubilee celebrations.

As a result, security measures and detection equipment were likely heightened.

Major Johnny Thompson Colorado and other key security personnel were strategically positioned near the couple, ready to act upon any suspicious activity.

If radio transmissions or other anomalies were detected during the service, security officers would have been on high alert.

In related news, royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams shared insights on Harry and Meghan's recent visit to the UK in an interview with US Weekly's Christina Garibaldi.

Fitzwilliams praised the release of a photograph featuring their daughter , highlighting the couple's efforts not to overshadow the Jubilee celebrations.

Vanity Fair's Kate Nicholl suggested that the couple's early departure may have been influenced by their seating arrangements, indicating a desire for a more prominent role.

Historian Hugo Vickers and royal biographer Duncan Larcombe provided additional perspectives on the couple's interactions during the events, with Larcombe suggesting that may harbor regrets about his decisions.

The seating arrangements at various ceremonies, including being seated behind other royals, may have contributed to tensions within the family.

Overall, the dynamics surrounding Harry and Meghan's actions continue to spark speculation and debate within royal circles.

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