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**Meghan Markle Sells Princess Diana’s Jewellery: A Closer Look**

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**Meghan Markle Sells Princess Diana’s Jewellery: A Closer Look**

, the wife of , has been frequently spotted wearing a selection of jewellery pieces that once belonged to his late mother, .

Among these cherished items are five pieces that Harry inherited from Diana.

However, recent reports reveal that Meghan has sold all of Diana's jewellery, including a wedding ring that held sentimental value.

Meghan's fondness for delicate gold earrings, such as the butterfly studs previously owned by Diana, is evident.

These earrings made an appearance during Meghan's first public outing in Australia following the announcement of her pregnancy.

Additionally, Meghan has been seen donning a simple gold bracelet from Diana's collection on multiple occasions.

On her wedding day, Meghan showcased two rings – a traditional Welsh gold wedding band and 's stunning aquamarine ring.

The latter was prominently worn by Meghan as she headed to a reception at Frogmore House after the ceremony.

Another notable piece of jewellery worn by Meghan is a diamond bracelet, which she notably sported during an interview with in 2021.

However, these beloved accessories have been notably absent in recent sightings, as insiders have disclosed that Meghan sold them earlier this year.

While Meghan did not inherit any items directly from Diana, Harry possesses the authority to gift or loan these precious heirlooms to his wife.

Rumors suggest that Meghan may have sold additional pieces of Diana's jewellery to Kim Kardashian, including an engagement ring featuring a diamond from Botswana and two smaller stones from Diana's collection.

The absence of Meghan's engagement ring has sparked curiosity among the public, with various theories circulating about its whereabouts.

Meghan has offered explanations ranging from repairs to replacements, with conflicting reports from different sources.

Speculation even suggests 's involvement in the ring's disappearance, though the truth remains elusive.

Recent developments indicate that and are shifting away from their previous narrative, which portrayed them in a negative light.

Reports suggest that the couple has faced financial challenges, prompting them to reconsider their public image.

Author Jane Moore highlighted the couple's evolving public persona, from seeking happiness to adopting various roles to gain public approval.

The couple's eco-friendly advocacy and efforts to make a positive impact on the world have also come under scrutiny.

As Prince Harry and Meghan navigate this new chapter, questions arise about the future of Brand Sussex.

With a feature in Rolling Stone magazine labeling them as entering a “flop era,” the couple may be exploring new avenues to redefine their public image.

Amidst speculations and shifting narratives, the dynamic between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle continues to captivate audiences worldwide.

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