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Meghan Markle Reveals Milestones of Archie and Lilibet

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Meghan Markle Reveals Milestones of Archie and Lilibet

The Duchess of Sussex, , recently shared some heartwarming updates about her children during the eighth episode of her Spotify podcast series, Archetypes.

She disclosed that her daughter, , has taken her first steps and is now walking, while her son, , has started attending preschool.

Meghan and are raising their kids, and , in the serene town of Montecito, California, where they work from home to spend as much time as possible with their little ones.

During the podcast episode, Meghan candidly spoke about the challenges of balancing motherhood, marriage, and personal life.

She expressed that with both children reaching new milestones, particularly Lilibet's newfound ability to walk, she feels deeply immersed in the joys and responsibilities of parenting.

The Duchess also discussed her parenting approach and aspirations for Archie and Lilibet's upbringing in a conversation with Melody Hobson, who shared her own experiences and insights.

In addition to sharing personal anecdotes, touched on her civic engagement by mentioning her participation in the California midterm elections.

She emphasized the importance of being an active citizen and making informed choices for the future.

Amidst discussing her family life and values, Meghan posed thought-provoking questions to her listeners, prompting them to speculate about her intentions and potential future endeavors involving the royal family.

As Meghan continues to navigate her role as a mother, wife, and public figure, her openness about her family's experiences resonates with many listeners.

The Duchess's willingness to share intimate moments and reflections adds a relatable dimension to her public persona, fostering connections with her audience.

Through her podcast series, Meghan provides a glimpse into her world and invites discussions on topics ranging from parenthood to societal issues.

The revelations about Archie and Lilibet's developmental milestones offer a glimpse into the joys and challenges of raising young children, even for members of the royal family.

Meghan's portrayal of her family life highlights the universal aspects of parenting and the shared moments of pride and fulfillment that come with witnessing children's growth.

By sharing these personal stories, Meghan invites empathy and understanding from her listeners, fostering a sense of community and support.

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