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Meghan Markle Refuses to Return £7m Wedding Gifts Despite Royal Protocol

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Meghan Markle Refuses to Return £7m Wedding Gifts Despite Royal Protocol

In a surprising turn of events, former assistant Melissa revealed that adamantly refused to return £7 million worth of wedding gifts to the senders, as confessed.

The royal couple was instructed to give back any gifts they received during their 2018 wedding ceremony, but Meghan chose to disregard this directive.

The buzz surrounding the royal wedding in May 2018 attracted throngs of eager fans who gathered near Windsor Castle, hoping to catch a glimpse of the newlyweds.

Like any wedding, well-wishers wanted to present gifts to Harry and Meghan to commemorate their special day.

However, an obscure rule prohibited the couple from accepting these tokens of affection.

Prior to the wedding, an official announcement was issued advising fans that if they intended to purchase gifts for the couple, they should send them to Kensington Palace instead of bringing them to Windsor.

Reports indicate that Kensington Palace had stipulated that any gifts accepted by members of the royal family must not be exploited for commercial gain.

Despite this regulation, some guests disregarded the directive and brought gifts directly to the wedding venue, possibly in hopes of winning over Meghan's favor.

An insider from the royal circle disclosed that initially, Harry and Meghan hesitated to return an estimated £7 million worth of gifts to the donors.

Eventually, under pressure, they relented and sent back the gifts, much to Meghan's chagrin.

Apart from wedding gifts, there exists a specific protocol for sending presents to the royal family.

According to the official royal family website, gifts intended for royals must not be used for commercial purposes.

The guidelines state that gifts such as food or flowers valued under £150 are permissible, while anything beyond that is not accepted.

Allegations surfaced regarding Meghan's behavior towards palace staff, particularly in instances where she received unsolicited freebies.

Melissa Tubati, who served as Meghan's personal assistant, reportedly left her position after just six months due to clashes with Meghan over the acceptance of complimentary items, which contravened royal protocol.

Melissa was allegedly one of the individuals mentioned in a bullying report.

In a revelation from Harry's forthcoming memoir, it was disclosed that Meghan retained gifts but distributed them among others while residing at Kensington Palace.

Despite the breach of protocol, Harry appeared to condone Meghan's actions, viewing them as acts of generosity.

This leniency towards Meghan's behavior may stem from his perception of her as a benevolent figure.

Meghan's penchant for flouting rules and regulations comes as no surprise, given her extravagant spending habits.

Notably, Meghan's wardrobe expenses in her first year alone amounted to a staggering one million pounds, surpassing the combined expenditures of female royals from major European monarchies.

This excessive spending raised concerns, especially considering the financial implications for the royal family.

As revelations continue to emerge about Meghan's actions and attitudes towards royal protocols, questions linger about her adherence to established norms within the monarchy.

The ongoing scrutiny surrounding Meghan's conduct underscores the challenges of integrating modern sensibilities with traditional expectations within the royal household.

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