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Meghan Markle Faces Severe Criticism and Depression Following Controversial Political Advocacy

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Meghan Markle Faces Severe Criticism and Depression Following Controversial Political Advocacy

is grappling with intense criticism and battling depression after facing backlash for her recent advocacy efforts on paid parental leave.

The Duchess of Sussex came under fire for sending a letter to Congress signed by both her and , discussing a topic that many believe falls outside the purview of the traditionally apolitical Royal Family.

Political commentator Annelise Nielsen expressed astonishment at the unprecedented nature of Meghan's actions, emphasizing the use of their royal titles in the correspondence.

The move deviates significantly from established royal protocols, raising eyebrows and sparking debates about the boundaries of royal involvement in political matters.

Royal expert Angela Mollard shed light on Meghan's letter during an appearance on an Australian morning show.

Mollard highlighted Meghan's expression of gratitude for her own family's blessings juxtaposed with a call for more support for families less fortunate.

However, Mollard critiqued the length of the letter, deeming a 1,000-word missive excessive for conveying the intended message.

Across the pond, Republican lawmaker Jason Smith voiced strong objections to Meghan and Harry's political engagement, suggesting that they should be stripped of their royal titles.

Smith's criticism centered on Meghan's perceived interference in U.S. politics, questioning her right to leverage her royal status for advocacy purposes.

President Tom Bauer, currently working on a biography of Meghan, speculated on her potential future in politics, hinting at a presidential run.

Bauer highlighted Meghan's sensitivity to criticism and suggested that navigating the rough terrain of politics would require resilience and fortitude, qualities that Meghan may possess in her pursuit of political ambitions.

The prospect of Meghan running for president in 2024 garnered mixed reactions, including a statement from former President Donald Trump expressing his disdain for Meghan.

Trump hinted at a potential run for office himself if Meghan were to enter the political arena, underscoring the divisive opinions surrounding Meghan's political aspirations.

Criticism of Meghan's use of her royal title in lobbying efforts reverberated on social media, with some users drawing historical parallels to the American War of Independence.

Concerns were raised about the appropriateness of a royal figure engaging in political advocacy, igniting discussions about the boundaries between royalty and political influence.

As Meghan navigates the turbulent waters of public scrutiny and political engagement, the debate over the role of the Royal Family in contemporary society continues to evolve.

The intersection of tradition and activism, exemplified by Meghan's actions, underscores the complexities inherent in balancing personal convictions with institutional expectations.

Amidst the ongoing controversies and criticisms, finds herself at a crossroads, grappling with the ramifications of her advocacy efforts while facing mounting pressure from both supporters and detractors.

The path forward for the Duchess remains uncertain, as she contemplates the intersection of her royal identity and her aspirations for societal change.

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