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Meghan Markle Faces Mockery on Saturday Night Live

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Meghan Markle Faces Mockery on Saturday Night Live

once again found herself at the center of a comedic jab on a recent episode of Saturday Night Live, where comedian Michael Che took a humorous swipe at the Duchess of Sussex.

During the segment, Che quipped about Meghan potentially being offered $19 an hour to attend ' coronation, with a graphic of her dressed as a maid adding to the jest.

The audience, both in the studio and at home, responded with hearty laughter, clearly enjoying the satirical take.

Che, delivering the punchline with finesse, shared the news of Meghan's supposed invitation to the coronation, emphasizing the starting salary of $19 per hour.

The social media sphere quickly lit up with reactions, with one Twitter user, Vianna Flores, expressing amusement by labeling the segment as “hilarious”.

Viewers chimed in with cry-laughing emojis and claps, showcasing their approval of the comedic portrayal.

However, not everyone was pleased with the jest aimed at Meghan.

A critical voice emerged in the form of Twitter user Charmy May, who denounced Che's joke as unfunny and distasteful, accusing him of using it as a means to insult a black woman.

The call for an apology and retraction reverberated across social media, highlighting the divisive nature of such comedic takes.

This SNL skit adds to the growing list of viral jokes targeting the Sussexes, with popular comedy show South Park also joining the fray with a biting parody episode.

The cartoon depicted a fictional Canadian prince and princess engaging in a relentless pursuit of privacy, portrayed through exaggerated antics on television.

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