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Meghan Markle Faces Criticism from Hollywood Elite Amidst SAG-AFTRA Strike

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Meghan Markle Faces Criticism from Hollywood Elite Amidst SAG-AFTRA Strike

In the midst of the ongoing SAG-AFTRA strike, finds herself under fire as a Hollywood star lashes out at the Duchess for her silence and lack of support towards fellow actors.

The call for A-list celebrities to use their platform to shed light on the strike and the struggles faced by working actors who do not earn millions per movie is gaining momentum.

Renowned figures in the industry such as Meryl Streep, Jennifer Lawrence, Matt Damon, and Margot Robbie are being urged to stand in solidarity by joining the strike.

The participation of top-tier talent in walking off sets and abstaining from promotional activities plays a crucial role in bolstering the union's bargaining power, despite the financial stability of these elite actors.

The dispute extends beyond financial matters, delving into the realm of image control and long-term profitability for many A-listers.

, now a producer with her own production company, is not exempt from the expectations to show unwavering support for the cause.

Her past involvement in SAG, facilitated by her father, places her in a position to leverage her influence for the benefit of working actors.

Critics argue that Meghan's current silence and apparent indifference to the strike signify a lack of respect towards SAG and its members.

Accusations of deception and disregard for the hard work put in by others to attain SAG membership have surfaced, tarnishing Meghan's reputation within the industry.

An anonymous Hollywood star took to social media to express disappointment over Meghan's inaction during the strike, highlighting the impact of her silence on fellow actors.

The star also alluded to Harry's evolving behavior under Meghan's influence, noting a shift towards questionable decisions in recent times.

Allegations of misconduct further mar Meghan's standing, with claims that she purchased a book for adaptation into a romance film amidst the strike, engaging in secretive discussions to produce the movie while bypassing the ongoing labor dispute.

The accusations of crossing picket lines and prioritizing personal interests over solidarity with fellow actors have sparked outrage among industry insiders.

Meghan's controversial path to obtaining a SAG card, allegedly through deceit and misrepresentation, has resurfaced, painting a picture of self-serving actions and a disregard for the struggles faced by lesser-known actors.

Critics assert that Meghan's focus lies primarily on her own stardom and personal gains, rather than advocating for equitable treatment within the industry.

Sources close to Meghan highlight her own experiences of perseverance and hardship as a struggling actress in her 20s, suggesting that she possesses a unique perspective on the challenges faced by working actors.

The narrative surrounding Meghan's involvement in the strike underscores the complexities of her past and present actions, raising questions about her commitment to supporting her peers in the industry.

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