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Meghan Markle Faces Backlash Over Delayed Christmas Card Release

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Meghan Markle Faces Backlash Over Delayed Christmas Card Release

finds herself in a frenzy as her talent agency, WME, has delivered a blunt directive to halt the release of the Sussex family Christmas card.

This latest development adds to a string of embarrassments for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

Recently, they were dubbed as one of Tinseltown's biggest disappointments in the Hollywood Reporter's 23rd annual roundup.

The scathing critique serves as a blow to the couple, especially following their underwhelming Netflix documentary, a biography titled “Spare” by , and a lackluster podcast series.

The Hollywood Reporter did not hold back, ridiculing the couple for abandoning their royal duties only to struggle to make a mark in the celebrity sphere in the United States.

Adding to their woes, the Sussex's charity, Archuel Foundation, is experiencing financial strain, with donations plummeting by a million dollars, pushing it into the negative.

In a questionable move, their close associate, James Holt, received an inexplicable 280% salary increase.

Amidst this financial turmoil, reports have surfaced about a high-stakes crisis meeting at WME in Los Angeles, hinting at an uncertain future for Meghan and Harry's Christmas card release.

Speculation suggests that Meghan, now eager to salvage her public image, held discussions with her team before deciding on the card.

However, there are strong voices within WME advocating for the complete abandonment of the card.

While the exact reasons remain unclear, the card's delay aligns with this urgent meeting.

The situation may be linked to the recent controversy surrounding Omid Scobie's book.

Rumors swirl that WME uncovered the Sussex's undisclosed connections with Scobie, despite their denials.

Their failure to distance themselves from the ensuing scandal and criticism has not gone unnoticed.

The idea of releasing a Christmas card, potentially featuring a photoshopped image of the late queen, is perceived as not just tasteless but outright disrespectful, particularly after their public criticisms of the monarchy.

WME, primarily known as a talent agency, now finds itself entangled in a difficult position due to Meghan's controversial actions and perceived self-centeredness, which have rendered her almost unemployable in the industry.

Her inability to recognize the repercussions of her behavior is proving to be a headache for her representatives.

There are murmurs that she had to pay a substantial retainer to secure WME's services, given her reputation as a financial liability.

The term “Merold,” a blend of Markle and Old News, has emerged to reflect her diminishing appeal.

While WME may be offering advice on public relations, whether Meghan will heed their counsel remains uncertain.

With a series of self-inflicted crises, the agency's patience may wear thin eventually.

In an industry fueled by drama, Meghan's brand of chaos comes at a high cost.

The looming question revolves around when WME will acknowledge that any potential multi-million dollar deal involving Meghan is merely a distant fantasy.

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