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Meghan Markle Faces Backlash for Curtsy Controversy

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Meghan Markle Faces Backlash for Curtsy Controversy

has recently come under fire on social media after revealing that she initially thought being asked to curtsy to II was a joke.

The controversy arose as a video resurfaced showing her close friend, tennis pro Serena Williams, performing the gesture for the monarch seven years earlier.

Meghan recounted the moment when informed her about the protocol of curtsying to the Queen before their first meeting in 2017.

She admitted that she initially found the idea amusing, recalling Harry's question in the car ride, “You know how to curtsy, right?”

This revelation was met with mixed reactions, with many criticizing Meghan for her perceived insensitivity towards British customs.

In the now-viral video snippet, Meghan humorously re-enacted a dramatic medieval-style curtsy, which drew criticism upon the show's release.

Curtsying is a traditional form of respect shown to royalty in Britain, although it is not mandatory for the general public.

However, members of the royal family are expected to curtsy to the monarch when first meeting them and when bidding farewell.

The resurfaced footage of Serena Williams gracefully curtsying to during the 2010 Wimbledon Championships has reignited the discussion online, garnering over 1.5 million views.

Amid the social media frenzy, comments on the TikTok video showcasing Williams' curtsy have taken jabs at Meghan for her previous remarks.

Some users expressed disbelief at Meghan's alleged ignorance of royal protocols, with one commenter suggesting that anyone unaware of such customs must have been living in isolation.

The scrutiny intensified when author Tom Bauer claimed in his book “Revenge” that Serena Williams had distanced herself from Meghan, contradicting their purported friendship.

According to Bauer, Williams denied being close to Meghan and referred to her as an acquaintance during a conversation with Vanity Fair writer Sam Kashner.

Bauer's book delves into the dynamics between Meghan and Williams, implying that their relationship was more superficial than previously believed.

He highlighted instances where Meghan allegedly sought to leverage her connection with Williams for personal gain, such as during her baby shower, which Bauer labeled as a publicity stunt.

The author also hinted at underlying motives behind Serena's public support for Meghan amid allegations of racism, insinuating that external pressures may have influenced her stance.

Following the revelations in “Revenge,” Serena Williams has maintained a low profile, refraining from publicly addressing the claims made in the book.

Reports suggest that Williams reiterated her stance on her relationship with Meghan, emphasizing that they are acquaintances rather than close friends.

This apparent distancing from Meghan signals a shift in their association, hinting at a possible rift between the two women.

As the controversy unfolds, it remains to be seen how the dynamics between and Serena Williams will evolve in the public eye.

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