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**Meghan Markle Bullying Probe Results to Remain Secret, Sparking Controversy**

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**Meghan Markle Bullying Probe Results to Remain Secret, Sparking Controversy**

A bullying investigation involving has stirred controversy as sources disclosed that the findings will not be made public.

The Queen commissioned a law firm to look into allegations that Meghan had forced two personal assistants out of their roles in 2018, causing distress among other staff members.

Critics have questioned the necessity of the probe, especially since the completed report is set to remain confidential for privacy reasons.

One source expressed frustration, questioning the purpose of the entire investigation.

Palace insiders reportedly expressed anger over the decision to keep the results under wraps, following accusations that the Duchess was responsible for the departure of two of her personal aides last year.

These claims emerged just before Meghan and 's revealing interview with .

Despite vehement denials from Meghan, royal sources alleged that her conduct had caused significant stress and trauma within the household.

Initially, Buckingham Palace had indicated that the investigation's findings would be included in the Sovereign Grant Report released recently.

However, the report did not contain any information related to the probe, with officials acknowledging that the findings would not be disclosed publicly.

A senior palace source emphasized the importance of maintaining confidentiality, stating that all participants were informed that discussions with the legal firm would be private.

While the specifics of the investigation remain undisclosed, it is known that the inquiry prompted changes within Buckingham Palace, particularly in its human resources department.

Notably, Harry and Meghan were not involved in the investigation process.

During a recent briefing on royal finances, a palace official highlighted the need to protect the privacy of individuals who shared their experiences working for Meghan during her time at Kensington Palace.

The investigation, launched in March 2021 in response to bullying allegations, focused on reviewing the palace's handling of complaints rather than the allegations themselves.

Despite expectations that the review might be mentioned in the Sovereign Grant Report, it was not included in the public release.

The palace clarified that the investigation was privately funded and therefore not subject to public disclosure requirements.

In light of the ongoing secrecy surrounding the investigation's outcomes, concerns have been raised about transparency and accountability within the royal household.

The decision to keep the findings confidential has sparked debate among royal watchers and the public, with many questioning the effectiveness of the probe if its results are not shared.

As the controversy continues to unfold, the palace's handling of the situation remains under scrutiny, with calls for greater openness and clarity regarding the investigation's impact and the lessons learned.

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